Chapter 5

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I am home. After I told John that I think I have a crush on Kyle, John started asking me questions.

For example:

Close your eyes and take deep breathes. Clear your head and when you open your eyes what pops into your head first?



When you wake up in the morning what pops into you mind first?



Who do you think about when you fall asleep?



Who is the first person at your side when you are having a hard day?


James but when he is busy doing sports and Kyle is around me so Kyle is my second person.

At the end of this talk, It was conformed that I have a crush on Kyle.

I haven't told James. I am scared to but I am going to anyway.

I walk into the kitchen where I see James doing his homework.

I finished mine right after school so I don't have to do this whole weekend.

"James?" I said

"Hmm" James said

"Can we talk really quick?" I asked

"Sure" James said putting his pencil down in his note book and turned to me.

I sat down in the chair at the end of our dinning room table.

"When I asked you to leave John's office today I told him something and he helped me conformed it" I said

"And what is that?" James asked worried and scared

"I haveacrashonkyle" I said super fast.

"What? I didn't under stand. Slow down a little please" James asked taking my hands in his.

When it comes to me James is not a bad boy or anything like that but around his friends as other people he is a badass jerk.

"I have a crush on Kyle" I said with a sigh at the end.

I felt James tense up. I rubbed my thumps over the back of his. I felt him relax.

"Really?" James asked

"Yes" I said and then I swallowed.

"Well there is a thin line between Hate and love." James smirking

"What is that supposed do with this?" I asked confused

"You hate Kyle so much and he kind of likes you but I have no idea anymore about his feelings." James said "I knew this was going to happen sooner or later"

"You did?" I asked shocked

"Yeah of course" James smirked

"Please don't tell Kyle. I want to when I am ready ok?" I said

"Ok" James pouted

I hit James upside the head.

"Shut up" I said shaking my head

"Well I can't because mom called and said that Kyle and Claire will be here soon" James said

"Why?" I asked worried

"Their parents are going on a cruise and mrs. Kingsley asked mom if we could take in Kyle and Claire for a month" James said

"And of course mom said yes?" I asked

"Hmm" James said nodding his head.

"Ok" I said standing up

"I think during this month you should figure out how to tell Kyle how you feel about him." James said

I nodded

"One question?" James asked

"It never stopped you before" I pointed out

"Hey" James said

"Go on and ask?" I said

"Are you in love with Kyle?" James asked

I was taken back by his question.

Was I in love with Kyle? His brown hair. His baby blue eyes. His muscles.

"I don't know yet. I will try and figure it out this month" I said

Then there was a knock on the door.

"That should be Kyle and Claire." James said going back to his homework.

I walked towards the door and yelled, "Sure I can get the door"

I heard James chuckle.

I opened the door.

"Hey" I said and hugged my best friend

"Thanks" James yelled from the kitchen.

Kyle and Claire gave me a confused look.

"Forget it" I said

They both nodded.

I let them in. I took Kyle and Claire to put their bags into James and My room. Claire is staying in my room and Kyle is staying in James room like always.

We down stairs into the kitchen where James is still working on his homework.

Kyle snuck up behind James.

"Boo" Kyle said. Making James jump and then punched Kyle in the arm because of it.

Claire and I are just laughing out head off.

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