Chapter 6

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Kyle's Pov

So me and my little sister is staying with James and Kassie and their family for a month.

"I am board" Kassie whined

"What do you want me to do about it?" I asked

"Where is James?" Kassie asked

"Out. We need some things. So he went to the store" I said "where is Claire?"

"Well Kyle she is not here where do you think she is?" Kassie asked

"Sarcasm noted!" I said then Kassie gave me a death glare. "Kitten be careful if you keep giving me death glares then you will kill me and you will go to jail"

"Oh shut up" Kassie snapped

"Kitten" I said

"Don't call me that" Kassie hissed

"Oh now Kitten is a tiger." I smirked "roar" I said doing the the claw with my hand.

Kassie got up and walked away. She went to the kitchen. I followed her.

I love teasing her. I love Kassie.

Yes! I love Kassie Pitman. Shut up!

"Kitten" I said


I winced.

She never yelled at me. Only hissed and snapped never yelled.

Kassie relaxed.

"I'm sorry. it is the time and I have really bad mood swings" Kassie explained

"It is ok. Claire gets the same" I said with a sad smile

I looked at Kassie. She had a sad face on.

"Do you want a hug?" I asked

Kassie looked at me surprised. Then started nodding her head.

I pulled her to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

When we pulled away, I kept my hands in her waist. Kassie moved her hands to my arms.

"Kyle?" Kassie said

"Yeah?" I asked

"Can you let me go please?" Kassie asked

I nodded and I backed up while letting her go.

"Thanks" Kassie sighed

"Your welcome" I said with a smile.

Then silence fell upon us. It was a mixture of comfortable and uncomfortable feelings.



"Can I have another hug?"

I chuckled "sure"

I took a step in and wrapped my arms around Kassie. But this time Kassie's arms are around my waist and my arms and around her mid back.

I am 6'4" and Kassie 5'3 so she is smaller than I am.

After a while I took a little step back. I put hands on Kassie's Waist. Kassie put her hands on my arms.

Kassie is not looking me in the eyes but looking the floor next to us.

I took one of my hands moved her chin so she was looking at me in the eyes.

"Kitten are you ok?" I asked

"Yeah I am fine" Kassie said

We both started to lean in but then a door opened and yelling.

"I AM BACK AND I HAVE FOOD" James yelled

"KITCHEN" Kassie yelled while walking to the table to sit down.

James walked in. Gave a plastic bag to Kassie.

"Thank you" Kassie said

"You're welcome" James said

Kassie left the kitchen with the bag.

"What is that bag?" I asked

"Female stuff" James shrugged

James's nose twitched.

"James you're lying tell me" I said

"I can't tell you. You have to ask Kassie if you want to know" James said putting away food.

"Ok I will" I said

Then I walked out of the kitchen and headed to Kassie's room.

To find out what is going on. Kassie has been acting differently lately. I love Kassie and I want to help.

"Wait" James said

I turned around to look at my best friend.

He walked up to me.

"Do you still have feelings for her? and don't lie to me" James asked

"Yes" I said "I love Kassie"

James took a long sigh. I have him a confused look and he just flicked it off.

"Go and talk to her. She needs to get it off her chest" James said

I nodded and went to go see my Kitten.


Hey Everyone!!

How do you like this book so far?

Thank you so much for ready it!!

So there was Kassie and Kyle scene in this one. The next will have some also.

So what do you think will happen during Kyle and Kassie's talk?

Love Always,


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