Chapter 17

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Today is Tuesday afternoon. We are at an ice cream place. I am with James, Kenzi, Claire, Luke and Kyle.

James, Luke and Kyle are getting the girls their ice cream.

"So Kenzi when did you and James start dating?" Claire

"One week after you and Kyle stayed with them" Kenzi said

"Oh cool." Claire said

The guys came back with our ice cream.

"Thanks" I said smiling while giving Kyle a kiss in the cheek

"You're welcome" Kyle said smiling

"Arcade after this?" James asked

"Arcade at the mall so is girls can go shopping while you guys are playing video games?" I asked

"Deal" The guys said together

"Good" all the girls said together

Like and Kyle are getting to the friends level but Kyle is still trying to figure that ok about his feelings about Luke and Claire dating.

After ice cream we went to the mall. We split up. The boy went to the arcade and the girls went shopping.

"How about this?" Claire asked holding up a shirt.

"Cute" Kenzi muttered

"Awesome" I said smiling

"Hate it?"

"Yes" Kenzi and I said together

Claire just rolled her eyes and we continued looking around Jc Penny's.

1 hour and 8 bags later

We have been shopping for the past hour. My parents gave me their credit card to go shopping when I go out with my friends.

We decided to go to the arcade to look for the guys.

When we got there we could find the guys. We looked everywhere.

My phone started ringing. I pulled it out and saw it was from Kyle.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hey kitten"

"Hey so where are you guys?"

"I called to ask you the same thing" Kyle said "where are you guys?"

"Arcade looking for you guys. Where are you guys?"

"Outside of Victoria secret"

"What? why?" I asked

"Where are they?" Claire asked. I put a finger up to tell her hold on.

"James said that Kenzi likes going there." Kyle said

"Where are the guys?" Kenzi asked

"Outside of Victoria secret" I said rolling my eyes. The girls started laughing.

"Tell then to go to the milkshake stand. I want one and Kyle owes me one." Claire said

"Meet us at the milkshake stand. Claire said that you owe her one" I said to Kyle

"Shit I thought she forgot that" Kyle cursed

"She never forgets nothing" I said

"Ok meet you guys there. Bye Kitten"

"Bye Ky" I said and then hung up.

We went to the milkshake stand. We saw Luke, James and Kyle. Luke had two in milkshakes in his hands. Kyle had two and James had three.

Kyle gave one to me and Claire and then took the third one from James. James gave Kenzi one and kept the other one for him. Luke did the same.

"Thank you" I said smiling

Kyle kissed me in the cheek "your welcome."

We walked out to the car. We got in it and went home.

10 minutes later

"I have to go do something. I well be back for dinner." Kyle said to James, Luke, Claire and I

"Ok" We all said

Kyle kissed me on the lips and left.

After Kyle left James was the first one to speak up "Kyle had been sweet a lot lately"

"Yeah so?" I said

"He is a bad boy. Bad Boys never are sweet" James said

"You are a bad boy but you are sweet" I said confused

"Well that is different"

"How so" Claire and I asked together


"No reason HA!" Claire and I said together

"Brats" James muttered

"Shut up" I said hitting him in the arm and then went back to watching tv.

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