Chapter 2: First Meeting

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I make it to work a little early and decide that I will go next door and get some coffee and a muffin from the café that is connected to the bookstore. I've been working at the bookstore for years and come by the café almost everyday so they know exactly what my order is. After I get my coffee and muffin, I head next door to get the shop ready to open.

The "Longbourn Books" sign is hanging crooked, I keep offering to fix it but Ed just refuses and says that it adds "character". If things half falling apart is having "character" then the shop has A LOT of character. The owner Ed opened the bookstore over 50 years ago, it is his pride and joy. I've been coming to the store for most of my life and have been working here since high school. Ed pays well and because he doesn't have any children of his own has talked about leaving me the store when he retire. Which, lets face it, he will never retire. This store is my passion, it was my idea to join with the café next door, and it paid off for both of us.

I have to call Charlotte and tell her about tonight, I hope she isn't busy.

I get out my phone and call her. It rings a couple times before she answers.


"Hey Char, it's me."

"Oh, hey Eliza", she responds with surprise, "why are you calling me so early?"

"What are you doing tonight?" I ask.

"Nothing, why?" she asks with suspicion.

I tell her about Mr.Bingley and the dinner. As I tell her everything, I continue with getting the shop open and ready for costumers.

"I can't believe your mom flat out said that! Who thinks like that anymore?!" She exclaims.

"I know! That's what I thought, but it's happening, so... will you come? I will go crazy if I have to deal with my mother alone." I plead.

"Yes, I'll come, but you will owe me Eliza Bennet."

"DEAL! Thank you Charlotte! You're the best!"

I tell her the details for the dinner, mom sent us all a text with all of her orders, and we plan for Charlotte to get there half an hour early just to make sure that she is there before Bingley, his sister, and friend.

Most of the customers we get are regulars who come by to enjoy the sitting area between us and the café to work, study, or just read. Today, I notice a new guy comes in as I am putting new books onto the shelves. He is the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. He has black, raven hair and eyes that are as blue as the sky right before the sunrise. He looks like he could be a model in his tailored suit and sunglasses, but the image is shattered when I see the scowl on his face.

"Welcome to Longbourn Books! How can I help you?" I ask with a smile as I walk over to the counter that he is standing at.

"I'm looking for The Art of War by Sun Tzu" he states. No hello or can you help me, no just a flat out demand.

What is with this guy?

"Yeah, we should have it, wait here, I'll be right back" I say politely trying not to snap at him.

As I look for the book, I keep him in the corner of my eye, he just stands there scowling at his phone.

A part of me wonders if he is always like this, or if today is just not his day, but the other part says that knowing that would require me to see him again, which I really don't plan on doing.

"Here it is", I exclaim grabbing the book, "is that all or do you need something else?"

"That's all", he says.

I ring him up and he pays.

"Have a good day" I smile brightly.

He doesn't reply and just leaves without even a look back.

Who thinks so highly of themselves that they don't even say "Thank You" or "You too"!? It's official, he is the most pompous person I have ever met! I can live a perfectly happy life if I never had to see him again!

Unfortunately, the universe had other plans for me.


Ed lets me off early so I have time to go home and get ready.

"Good Luck!" Ed yells as I leave.

My mom set the dress code as "Formal" (which means a nice dress, NOT jeans and a blouse).

Jane is in our room getting ready when I get home.

"Hi Eliza, how was your day?" She asks with a smile.

"Pretty good, the only thing was this one guy" I reply remembering the handsome stranger.

"What happened?" Jane asks with concern.

"This guy came in and was just really rude, he didn't say hello or thank you or anything, he just scowled" I rant.

"Oh sorry, maybe he was just having a bad day?" This is Jane for you, she sees the best in everyone and to her there is a reason for everything. It's one of the reasons I love her so much, she genuinely believes that everyone is good.

"Maybe" I grumble.

I decide to wear a black dress and maroon wedges, and I put on little bit of make-up with my hair in a loose french braid. Jane wears a pale pink sun dress and black flats, she leaves her hair down around her shoulders in soft waves and just puts on a pink lipstick. Charlotte gets there half an hour early just like we planned.

"Jane! Eliza! Mom is freaking out." Lydia tells us as she sticks her head in our room.

We all go downstairs and Jane calms mom down while I finish setting the dining room table.

We have just calmed mom down and convince her that everything is going to be ok, when someone knocks on the door and renews her panic.

"Well here we go. No turning back now" my dad comments from behind his paper as he sits in his living room chair.

"I'll get it!" I announce.

As I open the door I can't believe who it was who knocked.


And I close the door in the person's face before they can even say a word because standing at the door with wide eyes and their mouth half open is the man from the bookstore.

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