Chapter 7: Home Sweet Home

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Let's just say that I avoided Caroline and Will as much as I could the next couple days. I had successfully made it through two whole days of peace without seeing them, except for meals. Unfortunately, my luck came to an end.

I was looking for a quiet place to read when I stumbled upon a sitting room with a cushioned window seat.

Perfect for reading.

So I curled up and started on my book. I'd just gotten to a good part when I was interrupted.

"Oh, I was not aware anyone else knew about this place." The intruder said.

I didn't need to look up to know that condescending voice.

Just my luck, it's Will Darcy, of course.

I wasn't going to let him ruin my peace so I just ignored him and went back to reading.

I figured he would go away, but no, he just sat down and started reading.

Of all the rooms in this huge house, he find the one room I'm in. And why is he still here? Go away!

We sat there reading in an uncomfortable silence for about an hour before Caroline finally hunted him down with some lame excuse to talk to him.

"Ah, Will, I was looking for you. Could you come help me with something in the library?" She asked.

"I suppose I could." He replied.

Yes, please, leave me in peace!

They left and I was once again left in peace and solitude.


The next day we finally got to return home. The fumigation was done and the house was livable again. I can't say that I was sad to go, but I knew Jane liked spending time with Charlie. She even liked his sister for some unimaginable reason. Charlie had asked about 15 times if we were sure that the house was safe to be in already. Jane just replied with her usual "oh I'm sure it's safe" and "thank you so much for your concern". I was starting to suspect that it had been "livable" for a couple day. Turns out my suspicions were correct.

"You have been home for how long?" I asked my sisters through gritted teeth.

"Oh we've been home for a couple days now." Mary replied.

"Mom said that Charlie offered for you to stay for a few more days" added Kitty.

"Oh did she?"

I'm going to kill my mother. It's official. I'm going to commit matricide.

I glared at the back of her head from across the room as she interrogated Jane about Charlie.

"Oh don't glare like that, I would have gladly taken your place" Lydia said from the couch.

"I wish you would have" I muttered.

Dad just sat there observing and smiling about something.

Suddenly he clears his throat, bringing all conversation to a halt. When he knew he had all of our attention he spoke.

"Well now that we are all back, I have an announcement. I am expecting a visitor to arrive today who will be staying with us for a couple days."

The room went from dead silent to five people talking all at once.

"Who is it?" "Why didn't you say anything before?" "You're just telling us NOW?" "Who?" "Is it a man? Is he handsome?"

He just waited until we had all stopped talking and he had deemed us sufficiently tortured before replying to any of the questions.

"It is someone I have never met, but that we are related to." He supplied.

"Well that doesn't really answer anything does it?" Mom replied heatedly.

"It is a distant cousin of mine. I knew his father quite well. His name is William Collins."

"But why is he coming to stay with us?" Jane asked.

"Apparently his father passed away recently and he wishes to get to know the only family he has left."

"I suppose that is a sufficient reason. Family is all that is assured in this world" intoned Mary.

While everyone else went back to chatting, I asked Dad, "what do you know about this guy?"

"Apparently he is the manager of some big restaurant in San Francisco, Rose something or other."

"And when is he supposed to arrive?"

"Oh around 5 o'clock" He glanced at his watch.

"That is in 3 hours" I said looking at his watch also.

"Well then you better get to preparing" He gave as his final remark before retreating into his study.

Great, just 3 hours until a complete stranger arrives at our door. This should be interesting.

After a quick conversation with Jane, I made my way to my room to avoid the chaos that would ensue when my mom started freaking out.


By the time 5 came, every inch of the house had been cleaned and we were all waiting in the living room for William Collins to arrive. No one besides Lydia and Kitty spoke.

If we did all of that cleaning for this man to be late, I am going to be very upset.

The clock struck 5 o'clock exactly and the doorbell rang.

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