Friday Night

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Nikki has just got herself out the shower, she grabs her towel and tries her hair before wrapping it around her bare body and walking out of the bathroom. She walks across the hallway and goes to walk into her bedroom. 
She stops at the door as she can hear Jack talking away to Poppy, She listens a bit longer and hears him singing a lullaby to her. Nikki had never head this nursery rhyme before but gathered it's something he was sung too as a boy in Northern Ireland. 

She soon decides to enter the room. "Heres Mummy" Jack smiles as he looks up at Nikki. 

Nikki smiles slightly and walks over to her dressing table and begins to brush her hair trying not to let her towel fall down. 

Jack watches her unsure if he should say anything, this was something he had never experienced before. Her towel slips slightly revealing her chest, She grabs it quickly and pulls it back up. Jack sits there completely ignoring Poppy, watching Nikki with his mouth dropped. 
"Erm... Jack, You're starring... again" Nikki replies awkwardly trying not to make eye contact. 

He smirks slightly and carries on playing with Poppy, "Who's a clever girl, Look Nik!" Jack beams. 

Nikki continues to put her bra and dress on before walking over to the bed and looks at Poppy. "What?" She questions. 

"She keeps copying my facial expressions... just watch okay?" Jack smirks hoping it would make Nikki smile. 

He looks at Poppy and bobs his tongue out, Poppy looks at him and slightly does it. "Good girl" Jack coos and kisses her tiny hands. 

Nikki smiles and sits down on the bed, before lying back and looking at Poppy lying beside her. Poppy turns her head and looks at Nikki, her eyes fixed on Nikki. "She loves you" Jack smirks as he stands from the bed and starts to get himself dressed. 

He glances at Nikki and smiles, he admires her small body and watches her stroke Poppy's cheek, placing a delicate kiss on Poppy's nose. He couldn't believe how well toned her stomach looked just a month after giving birth to their daughter, he had seen other women who had taken months to get back to their pre-birth weight. 

"Jack! Stop!" Nikki huffs noticing once again he is watching her, clearly checking out her body. 

"Sorry" He mumbles and walks to the bathroom to have a quick shave and put some nice smelling aftershave on, Nikki has now let him keep stuff at hers for the days he stops. which now is slowly turning into every day. 

Jack changes before joining Nikki downstairs. She currently has Poppy lying on her lap having 'tummy time'. "Clarissa and Max should be here soon" Jack smiles as he puts his jacket over the arm of the chair ready. 

He picks up the empty cups and bottles and places them in the dishwasher in the kitchen, "Jack!" Nikki shouts causing Jack to panic and rush through into the lounge. 

"What! what is it?" Jack panics fearing the worst as he knew Poppy had been lying on her stomach. 

"Look!" Nikki beams happily as Poppy once again attempts to lift her head. 
"See that Jack, Look!" Nikki smiles. 

Jack watches Poppy as she lifts her head from Nikki's knee and looks at Jack, "Clever girl Pops!" Jack smiles as he takes a photo quickly with his phone. 

He stands back up as the doorbell goes off and walks to the door, " It's probably Max and Clarissa" Nikki smiles. 

He nods opens the door, and lets Clarissa and Max in, "Hey, come in... Nikki is just through there with Poppy" Jack smiles.

Jack takes their jackets and hangs them up. Clarissa heads through to the lounge to see Nikki smiling at them both, clearly so happy to see them. "Thank you for this" Nikki smiles as she places her hand gently on Poppy's back. 

"You're most welcome, I would do anything to spend time with Miss Poppy" Clarissa smiles back. 

Nikki looks at her phone, "well we shall only be around two hours at the most" Nikki smiles. 

Jack looks at her confused, Clarissa looks at Max and smiles, "No Nik, take as long as you want... it's not every day you get to be childfree nowadays" Clarissa Smiles. 

She smiles back at Clarissa and looks down at Poppy, "Oh" Nikki says as she watches sick come from Poppy's mouth and down her knee. "Erm... Jack help," Nikki says as she can't move. 

He looks up from his phone and puts it in his back pocket, "right give Poppy here, I shall clean her up and you go and clean your legs up" Jack smiles. 

Nikki passes Poppy to Jack and gets up before walking carefully upstairs, "Its alright shes forever being sick on Nikki" Jack comments as he grabs the wipes out the changing box and cleans Poppy up. 

"Always Nikki? never you then?" Max smirks. 
"Lucky I guess" Jack laughs as he finishes cleaning up Poppy and passes her to Max. 

"Finally I get to hold you" Max coos as he sits down on the sofa with Poppy. 
"Nikki is doing so well with her, I can't believe how maternal she has become... she used to run at the thought of hold a baby" Clarissa chuckles and Jack agrees. 

Nikki soon comes back down and slips into a pair of very expensive Christian Louboutin, She straightens her dress out and adjusts her tights before slipping into her leather jacket. Nikki walks through to the lounge and looks over at Jack. 

"Taxi in five" He smiles as he walks over to her. He stands admiring her in her short black dress and all her hair and makeup is done, he gives a smirk as he checks her out before looking back at Clarissa and Max

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