Cause of Death

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Later on, Nikki has been called into work to review a previous post-mortem, Jack, on the other hand, has been left at home with Poppy. Nikki walks into the Lyell and puts her bag and coat down in her office before heading down to the cutting room to Thomas who is with the DCI on the current case. 
"...this is the Lyell's best pathologist Dr. Nikki Alexander, she performed the first post-mortem" Thomas explains. 

"DCI Andrew Hay..." He smiles as he holds his hand out to shake Nikki's hand. 
Nikki takes his hand and shakes it with a smile, "Hi."

"Now I'm only here to observe so carry on as if I wasn't here" DCI Andrew Hay smiles as he walks off and goes and stands in the viewing gallery.

Nikki sits herself down on a chair and watches Thomas re-perform the post-mortem. "From my previous notes, I can tell you that she has overdosed on antidepressants" Nikki speaks as she looks at Thomas. 

"Come on, Almost 10% of the Population in the UK take these... how don't we know she was confused and has taken too many out of confusion" Thomas replies as he finishes up the visual examination. 

Nikki flicks through more pages and then looks back at him, "Yeah. Usually, they have a prescription" Nikki explains and runs picks up the bit she had written down about the antidepressants. 

"Yeah, It was fluoxetine that we picked up in the blood" Thomas replies as he places the body back in the cooling room. 

"But... I accessed her NHS records. There is no history of any mental health issues... in fact no prescription for any type of medication... including antidepressants, remarkably she was in good health" she replies looking down at her phone for a second at a text message she has received from Jack. 

Nikki smiles to herself as she replies back to the message before drawing her attention back, "Right, so this is very interesting..." He begins. 

"Jumping now?" She questions with a smile. 
"Like a young salmon..." Thomas replies back and washes his hands before following Nikki to the locker area. 

He opens his locker and looks across at Nikki who is still scanning through her case notes. "A high-binding affinity for alpha-2 adrenergic and M1 muscarinic receptors," Nikki says showing him the notes. 

"That's crazy... it's almost 20 times the safe amount. A suicide dose..." Thomas says raising an eyebrow. 

"M'hm, Now I asked Jack to go back through his case files for this...he found no traces of fluoxetine on her body... saying she ingested it them, maybe in a drink or food of some sort, now I did check the stomach content which was some type of caffeine that resembles tea" Nikki speaks as they walk back up to the labs. 

Clarissa looks up at Nikki as she walks into the offices with Thomas, "So any joy?" Clarissa questions. 

"No, I closed this case a month ago... I got everything right, why do the family want a second opinion, don't they trust my word?" Nikki says getting herself frustrated as she kicks the filing cabinet which makes a loud noise. 

"Now Nikki I want you to attend the court hearing on Monday and give the evidence that shows Manslaughter" Thomas speaks. 

Nikki rolls her eyes and nods, "Okay, what time and where?" Nikki asks and opens up her diary on her phone. 
"Monday 16th August, 9 am, The Old Bailey..." Thomas reels off and Nikki notes it down. 

"Okay, just need to let the Nanny know as Jack is probably attending too if I am correct?" Nikki asks. 

"Yes Jack and I shall be in the hearing too, we won't be standing to give evidence," Thomas replies placing some paperwork back in a filing cabinet. 

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