Chapter One

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The morning started off annoyingly bright. It was nice, when Nico had left Jackson's cabin. Once he closed the door, he chuckled to himself. In the corner of his eye, he could've sworn that the bush on the side of cabin three moved. However, through his tiredness he dismissed it and began the short trek to his own cabin.

The twilight air was crisp and the area was silent. He strolled to cabin thirteen, glancing around the other cabins to make sure not another person was out. For a moment he was alone, yet he did not feel lonely. He pushed his cabin door open and then closed it as he stumbled to his bed. As the sun rose on the horizon, his eyes closed.


Nico felt like he was floating. His body was weightless, and there was nothing in the world that bothered him. But then there was a voice. Not very pleasant, but not too unwelcoming either. The voice glided him down, down, down until he felt like he was falling. Falling, falling, falling...and then awake.

His eyes opened, his stomach feeling as though he had plunged off the Empire State Building. As he glanced around his cabin, he was met with a blonde male that had a pair of bright blue eyes. The color of clouds, that were accented by the freckles that dotted across the male's nose and cheeks. The voice was back, but this time more clearer. "Well good afternoon to you too."

The son of Hades sat up on his bed and yawned. "Gods, what time in Hades is it?" The curtains were pulled back, and soon light flooded the Hades cabin. Nico hissed and ducked under his covers as he groaned. "Turn it off! Are you trying to kill me?!" The male exclaimed.

Will let out a light laugh. "You're no vampire, di Angelo. Come on, you're going to end up missing lunch. You need to eat, doctors orders!" The sunny spawn of Apollo began to close the windows up, leaving open cracks through the curtains to let in some light. He sat down beside the son of Hades and peeled off the covers, revealing a pouting ghost king. Will leaned down and placed a kiss on Nico's pouting lips.

He wasn't sure if the shiver that ran through Nico as they kissed was one of pleasure or of disgust. Judging by the unfamiliar look that came over his chocolate eyes when they pulled away, Will didn't believe it was something good either way. He dismissed the strange feeling in his gut and stood up. "I'll be in the Mess Hall waiting for you if you decide to come Neeky-Deeky. I love you." Will squinted his eyes at Nico as he tried to scrutinize the look that was played across his lover's face. He waited at the door, holding it open for a long moment waiting for Nico to say it back. When he didn't, Will sighed quietly to himself and closed the door as he left.


At the mess hall, Percy sat alone at his table. No matter how good the sex was, it wasn't as good as the feeling of simply being with Nico. With every week that passed, a new feeling came out from within him. At first, all he wanted was to not feel lonely. But with every night spent in between sheets, in and out of each other, he felt lonelier and more confused than ever. Only in the midst of the grunts and groans would he find pleasure that even then felt empty. He wanted something real. He wanted Annabeth, or at least what he thought he and Annabeth had once had.

His eyes shifted through the heads of the other campers sitting at their tables, until they met with a familiar pair of blue ones. A muted blue of the sky, piercing through the crowd. Percy couldn't help the pang of guilt he felt, living with the knowledge of what he was doing to the son of Apollo. He swallowed down that guilt and smiled at the bright haired male, raising his hand in a little wave.

Mid-wave, Percy dropped his hand. Will began to turn to his right, and with Will so did Percy. He saw the ghost king, with his dark as night hair and even darker presence. It took Percy a moment to compose himself before he realize he was staring a bit too much. He cast his eyes down, glancing up for a moment as the polar opposite couple embraced. A spark went off in the sea prince as he saw the two connect their lips.

Percy licked his own lips as he thought of ways he would punish Nico later for the unwanted and unnecesary public displays of affection. When the couple parted, Nico's eyes temporarily met with Percy's. An understanding came over them as their eyes met. Their dirty little secret brought a light blush to play on Nico's face. At the same time, it was an adrenaline rush for the younger male. As he leaned closer towards Will, he glanced over at the plotting sea prince before he proceeded to continue locking lips with the son of Apollo.

At the beginning, it's always all fun and games but what none of them realized was that there was a bigger game they were beginning to play. A game of possible love, lust, and inevitable heartbreak.


((Hey guys, author here. Back with another short chapter. Once I get back into the groove, I guarantee longer chapters. Thank you for the patience my wonderful readers💜))

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