Chapter Three

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The fire was roaring. Most campers sang along to songs, whereas others kept to themselves as they talked amongst their small groups. The polar opposite pairing sat at the edge of the ampitheater. Will tried to whisper sweet nothings into Nico's ear, but Nico wasn't in much of a sweet-nothing's mood. His eyes scanned the faces of the campers, searching for a particular sea loving male.

When Nico didn't see Percy, he turned towards the chatty son of Apollo. "Hey there, Sunshine, I'll be right back. I have to use the facilities." He left a small peck on Will's cheek before he walked away quickly. He made sure he was out of eyesight before he switched directions towards the Poseidon cabin.


The knocking was timid at first, Percy was unsure he heard it. By the third knock, he was positive there was someone at his door. When he opened the door, he wasn't the least bit surprised to see the son of Hades being illuminated by the porch light. The smile that came to Percy's face was automatic as he motioned for the younger male to come in. "Isn't it a bit early for our tryst, Ghost King?" He asked as he closed the door behind Nico.

Nico let out a light laugh and shook his head while he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. As he put one to his lips, he lit it and blew the smoke at the son of Poseidon. "Har har, Jackson." He walked closer to Percy, making the older male have to back up against the nearest wall. "You worried me." He took another puff before he put his face centimeters away from the sea prince's. "I don't like to be worried."

Percy's breath became ragged as he noticed the rush of blood the tone of Nico's voice brought to him. When their lips brushed, he shivered. When they met, it was like a spark of electricity ran up his spine. Their lips moved together rhythmically until they needed to part for air. Nico took his free hand and ran it up the sea prince's thigh slowly. "Why'd you have to tease me so badly, King?" The older male breathed out, goosebumps rising on his skin.

A smirk played across the Ghost King's lips, backing away from the son of Poseidon as he took another drag. "I trust I'll be seeing you at the camp fire, Jackson?"

Percy sighed heavily as he moved away from the wall. He headed towards his closet. "We'll see." He paused for a moment as he rummaged through his hangers and drawers. "If I can find something to wear."

Nico let out a light laugh, shaking his head. "You're a strange one, Jackson." He walked towards the door and opened it. "I hope to see you there." His voice trailed off as he closed the door. "Or later tonight."

As the son of Hades walked down Cabin Three's porch steps, he lifted up his foot and put out the cigarette on the bottom of his boot. He scanned the area for Will, but instead they met with Jason Grace's sky blue ones. "Hey, Nico!" Jason called out. It took the blonde superman a moment to notice where Nico came from. When he realized, a puzzled look came across his face. Nico nodded at him then proceeded to head back to the camp fire, eager to avoid any more confrontations with the nosy son of Jupiter.


"Oh fuck... Nico~!" The son of Poseidon groaned out as he felt himself fill up the Ghost King, whom followed it with a high-pitched moan. He collapsed on top of the younger male and their legs intwined together as well as their fingers. Their lips met for a sloppy kiss. When they parted they couldn't help but smile dazedly at one another, panting softly.

It was a blissful moment that ended too quickly. Realization set in and the two disconnected. Both males moved to lay beside each other with the eyes cast up toward the ceiling. Silence filled the room and neither dared to speak.

Suddenly, Nico sat up and reached for his pack of cigarettes on the bedside table. As he lit one, he gazed at the sea prince's nude chest peaking out from the top of the covers. "I was lying when I said you weren't my type," Nico admitted.

Percy let out a laugh and turned onto his side as he waved the smoke away with his hand. "I knew it! Also, light a candle, will you? It reeks, Neeks."

The younger male let out an unpleasant groan while he reached over to the candle on the bedside. "Your rhymes tire me, Jackson," he joked as he lit it. His eyes traveled to the window and he noticed sunlight beginning to shine through the window. "Oh, shit, I have to get going." He stood up and put the cigarette out as he slid on his jeans and shirt.

"Leaving just like that?" Percy questioned, his lips having a slight pout. He got up from his bed and walked over to the Ghost King. "But I still have a few more rounds in me," he purred as he ran his hand down Nico's bare chest.

Nico's breath hitched and his heart sped up. His eyes drifted from the sea prince's lips to his sea green orbs. He searched them for a moment as he tried to analyze the emotion that shone. Quickly, he dismissed any thoughts that came to him as the light became more prevalent in the Poseidon cabin. The younger male sighed and backed away as he shrugged on his shirt and jacket. He pocketed his pack of cigarettes and made his way to the door.

Percy groaned and flopped onto his bed. "Until tomorrow, Neeks. Bring on your A-game."

"You bet, Jackson," Nico replied back as he closed the door behind him. He let his eyes wander around the area until they zoned in on the Apollo cabin. The cabin was dark, until a light flickered in one of the windows. Without a doubt in his mind, he knew who it was that had woken. He also knew that in order to get to his cabin, he would have to pass Apollo's, which meant that Will would see him.

It took him a moment too long to decide what to do. Was he to be seen by his partner, and have to straight up lie to his face? Or to tell the truth? Either option filled the son of Hades with dread. Will wasn't the love of his life yet he still cared. He was at a stand still.

The door to the Apollo cabin opened. Nico had made his decision, so when Will Solace walked out onto the porch, when the healer's light blue eyes trailed around, he couldn't help but notice the faint shadows that were dissolving on cabin three's porch.

Over in the Hades cabin, Ghost King appeared at the side of his bed. He staggered as he held a hand to his chest while he gasped. His vision began to grow dark until all he could see was black. He hoped desperately that he collapsed on his bed.


Hello everyone! Comment some ideas you would like to read, some things you would like to see, and as always, constructive criticism is welcomed ^~^ Please, enjoy.

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