Who I Think Should Have Won Each Season

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First of all, this is not a personal attack on any queen. I am not discrediting their work, I just think someone else should have won.

Season 1: This is a complicated one, because I don't think Bebe would win today if we redid their season. However at the time, Rupaul needed a queen like Bebe to represent Drag Race. Anyway, Bebe shouldn't have came back for All Stars.

Season 2: I remember watching Season 2 and being conflicted; on one hand I wanted Tyra to win because of his kid, and on the other hand . . . she's not the best queen of S2. If I look at it objectively, Raven should have won. But i personally like Jujubee better (but it's unlikely she would have won seeing as she never won any challenge). Today, a decade later, we all agree that Raven (and Jujubee) had a much greater influence on drag and a bigger role in Drag Race than Tyra.

Season 3: I used to think Manila should have won, but I just rewatched the season and Raja really was a well-rounded queen. She did comedy, she did fashion, she acted. So I guess  go Raja!

Season 4: I mean I guess Sharon is okay (and I don't care what anyone says but Sharon wasn't an underdog, I can't stand this story line), but Chad was clearly expected to win.

Season 5: Jinkx Monsoon IS, unlike Ms. Needles, an underdog. I guess between the final three it was between her and Alaska, and I don't know exactly who should have won. Both of them are great.

Season 6: I think Adore should have won. Bianca has the best run in Drag Race herstory, but I don't think that's enough. There's something about her that doesn't sit right with me. She is quick-witted and had her funny moments on the show, but I don't know, man. Adore was such a character. Funny, relatable, and fuck it! Unpolished. No one cares, Michelle. We don't want a perfect queen. She's imperfect and I love it. A fucking spirit, this queen. I love her lipsyncs. Also Hurricane Bianca is a flop.

Season 7: I mean, we needed a fashion queen to make up for Bianca, and Violet did amazing, she definitely deserved the win. But she's not my favorite queen of the season.

Season 8: I agree with Bob's win.

Season 9: Shea Coulée. Sasha won the lypsinc but Shea did better overall in the competition. Plus Sasha's wins were shared.

Season 10: Not Eureka. Not Aquaria, even though she did great. Asia is a queen at heart. She's so kind, so understanding, and an outstanding performer.

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