Season 11 pre-thoughts

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I think I'll like this season.

I didn't care about Vanjie on season 10, but watching some interviews and the first 16 minutes on YouTube, I'm really excited about her.

Yvie Oddly, along with Shuga Cain, is one of the queens I'm the most pumped about.

Scarlet Envy. I don't know girl. That entrance look was one of the worst I've ever seen, considering the standard is much higher now than it was in previous seasons.

Mercedes is also one of my most anticipated, since I'm also muslim and I can't wait to hear her experience as a muslim drag queen.

Plastique Tiara is honestly so fucking pretty. I've never in my life looked at a queen and thought that she was pretty pretty, but this girl is stunning.

Soju I felt was really quiet, and we all know she'a gonna be one of the first to go home.

Kahanna Montrese, Nina West, Honey Davenport and A'keria all seem super cool.

Brooke Lynn Hytes. I didn't like the entrance look and I don't care about her.

Silky Nutmeg Ganache is obviously going to be a fan favorite.

Ra'jah was a little annoying during the BUILD interview, but in the 16 minutes video I kind of liked her better.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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