All Stars 4 Finale (spoilers)

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I hated it. I can't even describe how much I detest this. All Stars was already losing its credibility by taking place every year, but now it's a complete joke.

All Stars 4 was already the season I disliked most in the history of Drag Race. I hate that they brought back Monet and Monique immediately after season 10. I don't even think season 9 queens should have participated. I don't think it should have taken place at all, at least not right now. And the fact that the calls for All Stars 5 already went out . . . like . . . It's quantity over quality now.

Nothing about this season felt All Stars. It felt like a normal Drag Race season in the beginning, and in the end it became another Christmas Special.

Everything was bullshit, and most of all the finale was the biggest ball of bullshit to ever happen on DR. Literally any other ending would have been a better alternative.
Trinity did better overall, Monet did better in the last episode. The producers knew that the fanbase was gonna flip if a white queen won (which is ridiculous. The previous queens who won didn't win because they were white, but because they were the best on their season. And yeah, Trixie wasn't actually the best, but she won fair and square by the format of AS3.) so they went with a cheap-ass Windows movie maker double crowning, which is unfair to everyone.

And let's talk about this song. What a snooze fest. Could the beat be any slower. Speed it up x1.25 or listen to the sped-up version on YouTube and see how it could have been. And what's up with Noami's 1.5 seconds-long verse? Why was the lighting so dim?

Other things:

What the hell was Michelle going on about Monique and her waist.

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There's clearly a waist here

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There's clearly a waist here.

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