chapter 1

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It was time for a new game.  One more championship on the line.

Squads loaded up. Wraith was by herself. Unknown to her lifeline and mirage.

Lifeline: Hey Wraith.

She turned to face them.

Wraith: Hi.

Mirage: We need a third. And since I rather have you than bloodhound.  Figure we ask you first.

Wraith: I already  got a team.

Lifeline: Anyone  we know?

Wraith: No. He's  really special.

Mirage: Special in like..."intelligence"?

Lifeline  elbowed Mirage.

Wraith: No. He's  special to me. *blushes*

Mirage: He's  your brother?

Lifeline: No you idiot. He's  her boyfriend. 

Mirage: I see.

Wraith: He's  the only one who really understands me. We met before these events. And I fell in love with him. And he fell for me.  He didn't  want to do this for a while. But I finally convinced  him to do this.  So now its me and him against  everyone  else.

Lifeline: You don't  have a third?

Wraith: I only need HIM trust me.

Mirage: Well. I guess good luck to you then. 

The duo left leaving  Wraith alone.

The match  started and the teams jumped  out the dropship lifline,mirage,and bloodhound secured Artillery.    In the first few minutes 3 squads were eliminated.   It didn't  take long for the kill leader to be announced.

Lifeline: Kill leader is someone  named Hunter

Mirage: I wonder if that's  Wraith's boyfriend?

Bloodhound: I suggest we watch our backs.

Throughout  the match. Hunter was killing squads rapidly.   No doubt anyone  remaining was worried. 

Later it was just two squads. 

Lifeline, mirage and bloodhound found one of Wraith's portal.

Mirage: Maybe we can flank her.

Lifeline: I am more worried about  whoever she is with. 

Bloodhound: I suppose we should  take the potential  advantage.

The team went in slowly. And when they exited they saw Wraith looking  away from them. They approached  slowly. Bloodhound  saw tracks leading  up the nearby mountain.

Bloodhound: its an ambush!

A figure jumped down and knocked down bloodhound hitting  him point blank with a peacekeeper.  Mirage threw out many decoys. But the man found the real him and grabbed him slamming  him on the ground.  Lifeline tried to fire but Wraith delivered a dropkick knocking  her down.  The man stood next to Wraith.

Wraith: Good work babe.

?: Thank you hun.

Wraith: Before  we send you guys to respawn. Meet Y/n. My boyfriend. 

Y/n pulled out his peacekeeper  and finished the squad giving  him and Wraith the win.  The duo kissed eachother passionately before they were picked up to be taken out of the arena.

They went to  the bar to meet with everyone else.  They walked in hand in hand. Everyone  was there to greet them.

Caustic: That was a fun match!

Gibraltar: Better to watch. Everyone  had their eyes and money on Y/n.

Y/n: It was nothing.

Mirage: You killed so many! Heck you killed me!

Y/n: I wouldn't  have even considered this without Wraith wanting  me to do this. I'm  not one for this stuff.  But enough  about me. Next round on me!

Everyone cheered and sat down for drinks. Wraith sat on Y/n's lap nuzzling against his chest.  Y/n got the strongest drink they had. And chugged it like nothing.  While Wraith was drinking  her's. Her hand started vibrating some void energy present.  She gripped her arm and Y/n noticed.  He put his glass down and wrapped his arms around her.

Y/n softly: You okay?

Wraith: Yeah. I usually  use more energy in a match. My energy is out of wack at the second.

He kissed her neck and massaged her shoulders. Wraith relaxed at his touch.

Meanwhile the rest of the group was watching  this unfold.

Caustic: I've never seen Wraith like this.

Bangalore: I knew Y/n before  this.

Mirage: You knew him?

Bangalore: Yeah. That's  why I didn't  participate.  Y/n said he had a girlfriend who was only really warm to him. Didn't  think it'd be Wraith though.  He was trained by aliens. We called them predators. Can't  remember  what he said their actual name is though.  He didn't even bring his real gear. And still kicked everyone  in the balls.  

Gibraltar: Anyway.  I'm  just glad Wraith has someone  that cares about  her.

Y/n kept massaging Wraith's shoulder.  You could  hear sighs of relief from Wraith as she looked like she was about  to fall asleep.  

Wraith tired: Y/n. Your...making *yawn* me tired.  

Y/n softly: Its okay. I'll carry you home if you fall asleep.  Just relax. 

Surely  enough Wraith was falling  asleep.  But before she passed out she turned herself  so she was facing  Y/n. She nuzzled into him. He picked her up and instinctively she wrapped her legs around him. He walked over to the rest of the group.

Y/n: Nice meeting  you guys. Nice seeing you again Anita

Anita: Nice to see you too old friend.

Y/n: I'm  sending  you coordinates later. I found him.

Bangalore: Jackson?

Y/n: Yeah. If you need help call me.

She nodded and Y/n left with Wraith in his arms. He took her to his apartment and went in.  He laid her down on the bed. But there was one problem.  She wouldn't let go of him.
He struggled to  get in and cover himself without  waking  her up. But managed to do so. Y/n drifted off to sleep wrapping his arms around Wraith. Without  a worry in the world.

male reader x Wraith. Her sanityWhere stories live. Discover now