The Acceptance

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The computer screen flickered, static running across it as the video loaded to show what was on the disc.

Inside the letter there was a CD, and on the thick cartridge paper, a scrawled message telling the reader to watch the video and then decide for themselves whether to turn up at the location attached to the bottom of the paper or not.

I gave up trying to recover my aunt from her state of shock and had gone upstairs to load the disc onto the computer.

Out of curiosity, I decided to watch.

A room filled the screen, some kind of office, the walls painted an inviting blue-toned grey and files upon files were stacked along the far wall.
A man sat in the chair at the desk, looking around 30 years old I'd say, wearing a black suit with the sleeves rolled up.

I pressed play, and the truth began to unravel.

"Hi, Silver, or Miss Fenharrow - whatever you'd prefer." He stammered, looking slightly nervous. He gulped.
"Erm...This is going to take a lot of explaining so if you want to know more after watching this please come to the location i've attached to the letter I sent and It'll be easier to explain. Right, where to begin.

My name is Mr Jackson, and I'm the head of "Hunsford Academy for the Gifted and Talented".

I'm going to assume you know the basics, that being that you have a gift, and if not, please ask your aunt to explain as that is one piece of information she does know about. Don't blame her for not telling you anything. When your parents died all she was told was to protect you from us until you turned twenty and that you may be displaying some "unusual" qualities.

I can't say much more on this video for the sole purpose of the risk of this information reaching people who it shouldn't, so all I can say is this;

I can explain to you what happened to your parents and why they died. I can tell you about your gift and give you the answers to anything you need to know about it. I can teach you how to use it to protect yourself and others.

Finally, I can tell you that you are not alone.

There are others like you.

Please, come to the location at the bottom of the letter to meet me. It's what your parents would have wanted. I knew them personally. I attended their funeral. You can trust me.

I know you have been running for so so long, and I promise you don't need to run anymore. We can help you."

The screen went black, and so did my vision.

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