Prepare Yourself

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THE NEXT DAY MY MOM AND HIS MOM HAD SECRETLY PLANNED TO COME over anyway so he didn't have to call, and his family could come over, so it didn't sound like Myles and I weren't up to something. Usually, we are up to something when we are alone and talking quietly. So Myles' whole family came. His family had sandy blond colored hair and was a little paler than me, although his sister had brown hair. He was the oldest of five, the age line goes like this: Myles, 13, sandy blonde hair, dusting of freckles, blue glasses, Thea, 11, dark brown hair, a few freckles, Trey, 8, blonde hair, freckles, Oden, 5, brown hair, really soft and spiky at the same time, Ira, 1, almost clear hair, really cute nose. My family has brown hair and blonde hair the two oldest have brown hair, three younger ones have dirty blonde hair. Our age line is: me, Imani, 13, brown hair, tan skin, and blue glasses Ana, 11, almost black hair, light freckles, and maroon glasses, Haven, 9, dirty blonde hair, light skin color, not white though, Jaxx, 6, tan colored hair, not tan, but not light colored skin, and Gratian, or Gray, 4 blonde hair not all that tan yet.

While we were playing dirt wars or pelting Trey with acorns, we had a few minutes to talk about everything until Trey either started pelting us with acorns or came bouncing over to annoy us. After they left I did my homework, took a shower, got my school clothes out, put PJs on and as I flopped down in bed, then Myles appeared.

"Why are you laying around, we got planning to do!" He said cheerfully, I chucked my pillow at him.

"How are you not tired?!" I almost yelled, "I am pooped!!"

"I took a nap..."

"Uggggg... it's not fair!!" I complain, "you're home schooled and I have to get up early!!"

"Do you want to go or not?" I lazily get up out of bed and grab a piece of paper.

"What do I need?" I ask giving him a fake smile. Myles rolls his eyes.

"Okay write 'clothing' at the top, you'll need nice dresses, fancy shoes, and everyday clothes. Then you'll need food, like bread and apples, but don't pack like we won't have any food, we'll have food and a roof over our heads,"

"So does that mean our everyday clothes, like jeans and a tee shirt, or dresses?" I ask, "and where are we going to stay?

"I went and scoped it out and found a place to stay," he shrugged off the question like it was nothing.

"Whoa, hold up! You said that you went there, but you never mentioned scoping anything out!" I said holding a hand up.

"Okay yes, I did say that I went there, but please don't be mad at me, I wanted to make sure there wasn't a war going on or it wasn't crawling with orcs or something..."

"Fine, I'm not going to mad this one time," Myles opened his mouth to say something, I held up my hand to stop him, "but you have to promise me you'll take me along every time you scope out something again,"

"Fine," Myles smiled, "okay back to packing things, if you have long plain brown colored shirts and leggings that'll work too, now to food, you'll need a canteen for water, and take a whole bunch of bandanas with bread, apples, etc." I was rapidly writing everything down.

"Wait! Am I packing for both of us or just me?" I ask, he was going to fast for me, "because Mom's going to realize all this food missing before we leave and when we get back!"

"Just for you," Myles said calmly, "I'll take care of myself. We'll need weapons, bedding, flint a.k.a fire-started, we'll need all of that kind of stuff,"

"I have a sword, and I bet I could snatch one of my sibling's daggers, and I have a longbow,"

"Okay, I'll need to look at everything, you know they could be fake," said Myles, "and how good is your aim with the bow?"

"What? So now you're a master in weaponry?!" I ask teasing him, "how'd you get so good with all this stuff?"

"I researched, I discovered all this teleportation stuff a while ago..." he closed his eyes waiting for me to yell at him, I sighed knowing that I can't always yell at him.

"Okay, look if we are going to be a team we can't keep everything from each other, alright?" I ask looking into his clear blue eyes.

"I hate when you look at me like that," he mumbled looking down. I couldn't help but smile. "But getting back to the point... yes, I did some research and I have a general idea about weapons. Now we need to find a perfect meeting time and place. Got any ideas?" Myles asks. I think there are a million perfect places to meet, but are they concealed enough? We have neighbors that while they are driving down the road could see us, maybe, but I don't want to spend the whole night hiding in a bush like a rabbit.

"I'll need to think about it, Myles." I glance over to my alarm clock and see that it's almost 9 o'clock, "Myles, I think that I should go to bed if I ever want to wake up in the morning. Night,"

"Night," I go over to hug him, but he's already gone. 

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