my first job

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Izuku's POV

Many people said that I wouldn't have a life just drawing stupid comics. The thing was, most of the uncultured swine's that said that didn't know how to draw at all or could relate in anyway. I wasn't worried about them because I knew that one day they would see how far I've come and understand that I would use my passion for greatness.

My name is Izuku Midoriya and I am a Omega. Yeah many people said that the Omega's should stay home and do house work while their mate or alpha goes and work, but as you can see I'm not that type of person. Right now I'm standing in front of my new job looking at the big building. I took a deep breath and walked inside. This shouldn't be hard right? I asked myself in my mind. I walked over to the front desk. "Hello ma'am, I'm the new worker and I was wondering if you could tell me where to go from here". The woman looked at me for a second and then suddenly realized that I was for real. "O..oh yeah sorry about that I'll contact the boss right away"!

She pressed the button on the phone and talked to the boss. Then I suddenly heard, "send him in, he better not be a slacker otherwise I'll kick his ass". I gulped. Yeah I probably should be careful not to upset him. The lady then called someone else. "Alright Mr.Midoriya, Ms.Uraraka would be with you shortly". She said and I thanked her. "By the way my name is Ms.yaoyorozu, but you can call me Momo". She said. Just as she finished, a brunette with a smile and pink cheeks walked up to me. "You're Mr.Midoriya right? Come with me to your new workspace"! She said cheerfully as she ushered me to follow her.

We got into the elevator and I can basically feel the excitement radiating off her. We stepped out and it didn't take me long to get to know alot of people. She eventually showed me to my desk and how to get things done properly. For some reason, there were a lot of girls in the bl manga side. I mean boy's love is made by females for females anyway it's kinda rare for a boy like me to like this type of stuff. On the contrary though, different floors are for different things. The one I'm on is boy's love, the one below is girl's love, and I think the one below that one is regular love or whatever. I went ahead and started working on the script I was given.


By noon I was finished with at least thirty manuscripts. "Wow that's awesome! How'd you get all that done so fast? You just got here this morning"! Ms.Uraraka said full of amazement. I was a little confused about why she was so amazed at how much work I did. It's not even how much I could do in a whole day or even a week, but I guess she probably wouldn't be able to finish as early as me because she looked super concentrated on her work. I got up and proceeded to go to the bosses office. To be honest, I'm not afraid I mean he probably won't like my work because this is just practice but what's the harm in trying? I went on the floor where the boss is Funny how he has a whole floor to himself. I lightly knocked on the door. I then heard a slight groan in the words 'come in'. I walked inside and went towards his desk. "I..I finished today's work sir". Curse my stuttering.

He looked up at me and oh my sweet mother of God he looked so badass and hot...wait what did I just call my boss hot? His firery red eyes caught my forest green ones. I memorized for a second until he spoke. "What the fuck is that"? He said pointing at my work. " my work sir". I said. "I know that smartass, I'm talking about the way you did it, it looks like shit fix it". He said. Wait what? "B..but I followed the script sir, how is it not correct I mean I did it right is it not suitable to your taste if you want me to do it over I don't mind I mean only if you want me to I'll-". He cut me off. "Shut the fuck up you damn nerd". I was a little taken aback by his comment. I covered my mouth in embarrassment after I realized that I have been muttering. I started sprouting apologies. "Stop apologizing damn deku". He said.

"Like I said, fix this shit you call finished work and here is the actual script dumbass". He said handing over the script. What the? That wasn't the actual script?! So I worked hard all day for nothing. Without thinking I spoke these words,"t..thanks kacchan". He looked at me slight wide-eyed and it was only then did I realized what I said. "S..sorry I..I didn't mean to call you that it just slipped out, please don't be mad at me it was a mistake"! I said waving my hands defensively. "I'll let you and only you call me that, understood? And for the last time stop apologizing it's fucking annoying". He said. I looked at him. He is the most confusing person I've ever met in my life. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to so fuck off". I quickly walked out not wanting to upset him even further.

Sorry if it's a short chapter but I will update when I can. BTW it's my first time writing bha fanfiction sooo wish me luck.

Word count: 987


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