February 8th 2019

27 1 2

Snowflake: Readers welcome. To the first night of the Tonight Show. Where you or your OC are the guest. Sadly, tonight, we don't have one. But we sometimes feature guests who are from movies. And if you read Snowflake the light fury, then you probably know all of the characters in the first page. Whole this RP book. Me, Snowflake the light fury, My friend who is a criminal, Salazzle, and my drunk bi but mostly lesbian  pervert friend, MUTO. We are the hosts of the book.
MUTO: Hey, Snowflake. Want to have sex?
Snowflake: (sighs) MUTO, you know that I am straight.
MUTO: I get it. You still need time to think. Did you tell the readers that they can ask questions that are personal, stupid, and crazy.
Salazzle: Don't forget that we have to do whatever the reader tell us to do.
Snowflake: Guys, I was trying to avoid that. The readers might tell us to do something that is too much.
MUTO: Like you have no choice but to have sex with me. That is a suggestion. One of you please say that.
Snowflake: MUTO! They have free will to tell us to do whatever.
MUTO: Fine. Reader please don't make Snowflake have sex with me. (Winks at you)
Salazzle: I said because readers are great. Like who knows what they will say.
Snowflake: Probably something disastrous.
Salazzle: Do we have a guest?
Snowflake: Sadly no.
Salazzle: Well, we still can do the parody of bachelor game.
Snowflake: Nobody told us what to do.
Salazzle: Don't worry. People from pokemon, godzilla, and the hidden world told us what to do.
Snowflake: We don't have a male.
Salazzle: Come out.
Toothless, Astrid, and Hiccup comes out of nowhere.
Snowflake: Oh my gosh. Why is my boyfriend here? And why is his friends here?
Salazzle: Hiccup you go first.
Hiccup: What am I supposed to do?
Salazzle: Have you seen the Bachelor game? Or matching game?
Hiccup: I'm a viking. We didn't have TV back then.
Astrid: Yeah we do, I just stole them all. I'll go first.
Salazzle: Alright, take the cards.
Snowflake: (looks at card) Oh no.
Time for the matching game.
Astrid: Alright lesbian monsters. I'll ask you some personal questions. Bachelor one. Where do you see yourself with me in a year?
MUTO: (From Godzilla "BDSM with me." Puts her arms up and act like she is sexuality abuse. And loves it.) Ahhh. How about a strip club?
Astrid: (Surprise) Okay, bachelor two, How many dates does it take until you kiss?
Salazzle: (From Charizard "A person  addicted to chocolate.") Well, you know babe, I love you so much, I spread Nutella all over you.
Astrid: Mmmm, sounds delicious.
Salazzle: Girl, you know I'm hot. Hotter than M&M. But they really are good.
Astrid: I can't believe I am in heat because of chocolate.
Salazzle: That's why chocolate is famous during Valentines Day.
Astrid: I'll get back to you later. Bachelor three. Will you be willing to spend the rest of your life with me?
Snowflake: (From Hiccup "Kiss her without her knowing.") Well you see, yes. (Sweating)
Astrid: Wow, very simple. Bachelor one. Do you want to have kids?
MUTO: I'm being fill with Godzilla kids right now. Go deeper into me. Make me your slave. Ah. Ah. Ah.
Salazzle: She loves chocolate way too much. Glad I'm not like that. (Eats a chocolate bar like a animal)
Astrid: Bachelor one. Are you okay?
MUTO: I am having the best painful time of my life.
Astrid: Since when does pain feel good?
MUTO: When you have a meteor up your ass, you'll understand. Ahhhhhhhhh. Climax Climax. He's almost there.
Snowflake: (Gets up and walks towards Astrid.) Astrid.
Astrid: Yes. (Gets kiss by Snowflake.)
MUTO: It burns so good. So hot. Like boiling hot. Ah. Keep filling me up.
Salazzle: MUTO.
MUTO: Be careful, I'm not thinking straight at all.
Salazzle: Is it true the milky way is made chocolate?

Tonight RP Starring Snowflake the Light Fury, MUTO, Salazzle, and you.Where stories live. Discover now