Chapter 4 Suspicious?

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           Prince Adrien thinks it rather strange that Marinette does not seem to know much about the creature.  He figures perhaps, she really did not see the squirrel.  He shrugs his shoulders.  He decides not to worry about it  to much.  He smiles at her.

        "Prince Adrien, you alright?"  Marinette ask.

       "Yes, sure!  Are you sure that your leg will be okay?"  Prince Adrien says.

    " Oh, about that I am sure it will be just fine,"  Marinette responds.

  " How did you say you got the injury again?"  Prince Adrien ask her.

   "Oh, I tripped over a huge rock."  Marinette says.

    "I see, well, I think you better let a doctor take a look at it." Prince Adrien responds.

    "It is just a small scrap. I see no need for a doctor."  Marinette protest.

     "Come, on Marinette!  You  can not be serious."  Prince Adrien says with concern in his voice.

    "Why do you worry so much about me? "  Marinette ask. 

    "You are my friend. I can not let you get an infection in your leg, or worse because of your stubborn refusal to seek  help,"  Prince Adrien says.  He sighs just a little.

      "Fine, I get someone to look at it.  Only,  can not afford this, so I will have to find a job and.." Marinette says.

  Prince Adrien  replies, "Wait, you can not possibly consider such  a thing not like this.  I will not think of such a thing.  I will pay for the exam and it if you should need any treatments for those as well. It is the least I can do to help a friend in need."

  Marinette looks at him in surprise.  She thinks, why if I did not know any better this prince has his mind made up.  She nods her head.  "Fine, I will let you do as you say, but only if you allow me to pay you back some how once it heals,"  Marinette responds.

  Prince Adrien, "Well, you drive a tough bargain her  young lady.  Nevertheless, I will agree to this since it appears to be the only way to knock some sense into you when it concerns your health. "

  Marinette smiles, "Well, then that is such a noble, and generous offer indeed then, Prince Adrien!"   

   Adrien groans.  "Look, Marinette  if I am not to refer to you as a fair maiden, than I must insist you drop the whole your highness, noble, or prince thing.  It really has begun to get on my nerves."  Adrien says.

    "Oh, yeah and what exactly do you intend to do about it then, Adrien?"  Marinette says.

   "I do not know yet.  I am sure I shall tell you though once I figure it out,"  Adrien remarks.

     Marinette laughs.  Adrien does as well.  He takes her by the hand.  To her surprise, he leads her to the castles gate.  He  picks her up and carries her inside once the guard opens it upon their arrival.  He gently sets her down on the cushioned chair in the royal sitting area.  He smirks.  

    Prince Adrien calls for the doctor and the man arrives with his things.  He watches as the doctor undoes the bandage. 

       The doctor  looks at the left leg and frowns. He looks up at the prince.  "Well, sire, it looks like your friend her has a bad cut her indeed.  I have no idea how she obtained such a huge one as this.  At any rate, it needs proper attention at once.  The leg is to cleaned, then you are to pour this on it," he says as he holds up a bottle, "and finally you are to see that she does very little for a least a month.  Oh, and the bandages need to be changer regularly until their is no more swelling around the area, or puss that comes out of it.   She must have had a very  bad fall indeed to have gotten such a broken bone and one with an infection too. " the doctor says.  When he finishes, he leaves a fresh supply of bandages, and some other things.  He heads off to tend to more patients all the while, in wonderment how the prince ever came in contact with such a simple, non-royal blood as herself.

The Prince and The Squirrel  *A  Miraculous Fairy Tail*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now