Chapter 9 The Second Test?

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        A    few hours later an old woman rings the bell outside the castle.  Then, she bangs on the door, as she says,  "I really need to speak to the prince at once!  Please, let me in now!"  The guard looks at her and feels an uneasiness about the request.  He refuses to open the door for her.

     The prince finds out about this and says,  "Please do let the woman inside so that she may speak with me."  The guard shakes his head, but opens the door anyway.  He can not deny the lady entrance now that the master of the house has told him to allow her to come inside now.  

    Prince Adrien smiles at her.  He looks straight at this stranger and says,  "Well, how may I help you, Miss?"   This person does not say a word instead they wave a wand around in the air, and a mist appears out of no where.  When the pink smoke blows away the old woman turns into a small child.  It turns out the other look was a disguise to see if he would take pity on her.

    "Well, prince Adrien, it seems you are as kind as my mother says you are sir."  The little girl says.

     "Why thank you and tell your mother I said as much as well.  Now, how may I help you?"  The prince ask once more.

      "I am in need of some chicken soup and some medicine for my mother.  She is ill.  In fact the doctor says she is at her whit's  end."  The girl responds.

     "Oh, I am sorry about your mother's  health then.  As for the items you request, here take them and be on your way!  My your relative be well soon!"  Prince Adrien remarks.

      "Thank you ever so much!  I mean it your majesty!"  the girl says, and goes on her way home with the soup and medication for her dear beloved mom.

      Prince Adrien has no idea that the second test has come before him.  He was told what it would be only that it was harder to pass than the first one.   As it turns out he has already been given the second one and has past it as well.

      "Ugh, I see my little trap for you was of no good!   It did not get past you at all.  Why you have proven to be one of great compassion towards even those your own guards do not deem worthy of such things."  The man says.

      "Wait, what?"  Adrien ask.

     "You heard me!"  the rotten man says to him

      "Trap, oh you mean the elderly woman who was a small child inconito that came by a few moments ago?"  Adrien says with his own look of amazement.

      "Yes, this is precisely what I mean!  I mean in just a few short hours apart you solve not one, but two tests!  Congratulations, now you have, but twenty test left to pass!  Good luck, as you will need it when it comes to the third one!"  The man says with a creepy tone to his voice.

       "Two test, but I have only gotten one!"  Prince Adrien protest.

       "Haha, on the contrary you have been two already!  For the young girl who shows up is the most recent test that you gotten right."  The man says.  He snarls just a bit.

         The man leaves just like that as quickly as he came.  Prince Adrien has no idea when to expect him to arrive again, nor does he have any idea how soon to expect the other  tests or quests.  He only knows the first two were not as bad as he thought they could be after all.

         Adrien's  POV:   I was told I need luck for the third test, but  am not sure what I would need this for anyway.   How hard could it be?  The first one was a silly riddle.  The second a test of  compassion.  So does this mean the third one is one of courage, strength, or what?   I try to visualize what it could involve that makes the creepy old man claim I need good fortune for it.  Whatever it is must be a very miniature thing in the vast sea of  love that I have for my dear, beloved Marinette!   I say bring it on!  Bring it on!

      Guard #1's  POV:  I really never saw the strange person as anyone important, yet it turns out it is a kid instead of a woman.  How could I have been so wrong about her?  I really thought she was a threat to the kingdom, someone who only came to try to kill the prince ,so that she could take over his throne for herself.  I feel so silly now, for the strange irrational thoughts in my head at the time.  I  was the one who lacks discernment, compassionate and such.  The noble Prince Adrien,  was able to see through all this.  He was able to be compassionate to her, he could tell she was in need of help before he even knew who she really was.  How did he do this?   

  Guard #2's  POV:  I  tremble as I swing the doors open for this stranger.  I am scared for my life and for the lives of everyone else inside the castle.  What if this person is a thief  in disguise, or a murderer?  What if she comes to rob us of our livelihoods?  What if she is her to take down the prince himself?    Yet, I obey his orders to let her inside because I also fear if I do not that he will punish me for disobedience.   I mean he is the one in charge after all.

     The creepy old man's POV:  The prince is one who is so gullible.  Why how was he to know the girl would not harm him?  For all he knew she could have been a bandit come to rob him?  Yet he trust her with his very life.  He risks all just to show her compassion!  Ugh, this makes me sick!  He is the first in years to complete the first two test in such little time!   As for the next day, I doubt even he will pass it!  Haha!  It is one that only a few got past and those who did just barely did with their lives.     

        to be continued in Chapter  10   The Guard Passes Out?

The Prince and The Squirrel  *A  Miraculous Fairy Tail*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now