Chapter 16 Squirrel Where?

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    The prince  goes to check on Marinette.  He ask the servants,  "How is the squirrel I left here in your charge while I was away for such a long time?"  The servants look at him and whisper among themselves.   

"Squirrel, your majesty!  What is this you go about now?"  The maid ask.  

"Yes, prince for I no nothing about any squirrel!" Another servant says. 

  Then, another says, simply, "Squirrel Where?"   

  "You know the squirrel that was hurt and all?" The prince inquiries.

     "Sorry, but cannot say that I have heard of such a thing."  One of the guards says.

       Not stop playing dumb, and tell me right now, where is the squirrel?"  The prince says.  

          The servants shake their heads, get back to work, and think, The sun must have gotten to him, yeah that is it.  He was out in the heat so long he thinks a wild animal is here in the palace.

         Prince Adrien goes upstairs to the very room where he left Marinette!  He feels his heart sink at the news.  Is it true?  Did he just dream up all this?   If so, then what about all those quest?  What were they all about anyway?  What could have taken place to make the servants forget about the red, squirrel?   Is it not obvious he loves her?  Is this all some sick joke? 

        Marinette stands up when he enters the room and says,  "Adrien, you are back!  Oh, my prince!  I am glad you are alive!" 

        "Marinette, it is good to be back!  However, I am must find out the answer soon."  Prince Adrien says.

         "Answer to what my dear?  What is it you seek?"  Marinette says. She too wonders what it is that he is after  right now.  It is not like she can figure out what he wants since he has yet to tell her.

       "It is just that I could have sworn there was a squirrel here !   You were it!  I know you were!  Right, or am I just crazy as the servants down stairs  think me to be?"  Prince Adrien blurts out.

         "Well, I was one at one point!  Only, now I find myself  less into acorns, less prone to climb trees, to spend much time in the woods, and well you see I am much better now.  It appears that my issue is over now for good!  Is it not wonderful?  I am no longer half  human, but a full one!  At last, there is no more awkwardness for fear someone shall find me, and put me in  a trap.  No more nightmares that I will have to settle down with a male  animal and eat nuts for the rest of my days." Marinette answers him.

       "Wow, so you really were what I thought then?  It is not a dream?  It really was real life, then?"  Prince Adrien responds.

      "Yes, but you see now that everything is back to normal, no one shall remember it, but us."  Marinette says.

      "Well, that certainly explains a lot.  It is no wonder my servants think I am insane! " Prince Adrien says.

       "It is okay.  As long as you and I know what has taken place that is all that really matters now is it not?"  Marinette says.

     "Yes, I suppose you are right about that darling! " Prince Adrien says.

     "Darling, oh, I do love the sound of it!  I love you ever so much!"  Marinette says.

     "Yes, I know and I love you ever so much, too!"  Adrien replies.

     "Oh, and John is just fine.  One of the servants appears to be taken with him.  What I mean is she treats him as if he were her own son. She feeds him, burps him, cloths him,bathes him, and so on daily."  Marinette says.

     "Well, that is good to hear!  Very good to hear indeed!  I was about to ask about him, but now that you have told me, I must say that is great!  I am happy that he does not have to be alone in the world.  It can be a tough place for an orphan, you know."  Prince Adrien says.

     "Yes, I know."  Marinette says.

     "What shall you do now that you are all better?  I mean we are not husband and wife, so what do you think?"  Prince Adrien says.

     "Oh, me!  I could care less what others think really!  I suppose having been an animal with a bushy tail for most of my life kinda does that to me.  Well, that and the fact that I do not know where else to go.  It is not like I have a job, or a home."  Marinette says.

     "What took place to relieve you of your job?"  Prince Adrien ask.

   "I had to miss to many days from it back before you rid me of my trouble.  So, my boss was not to happy and she fired me.  I will simply have to find a new one that is all there is too it."  Marinette replies.

   "Oh, in that case I  have a job in mind for you!  How soon can you start?"  Prince Adrien ask.

    "I will be able to start right away at whatever  job it is kind, sir!  Oh, and I will be grateful if you will help me to find a place to stay.  Some where that is not to far from here."  Marinette says.

   "Yes, I have one just in mind."  Prince Adrien says.  He grabs her hand and takes her to her job.

     "See you later, prince!"  Marinette says and winks at him.

    "Yes, I will see you later, my princess!"  Adrien says.

         Prince Adrien heads back home.  He is glad that his princess is a full princess at long last.  Yes, indeed she will make a fine wife someday!  Indeed she will!

           Six months later, Prince Adrien and Marinette have gone steady for awhile now.  Everyone thinks it is about time they are to wed!  Only the prince does not want to rush things.  Why he cannot risk the chance the girl grows tired of  him and decides she does not wish to marry him!  He can not bare if she rejects the proposal. 

      One year later, Prince Adrien is ready!  He is a nervous wreck, but ready indeed!  He has the ring all set, now it is just time for one simple question!

   to be continued in Chapter  17  Prince Adrien and Princess Marinette Unite For Good?


The Prince and The Squirrel  *A  Miraculous Fairy Tail*  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now