Alfred F. Jones x Arthur Kirkland

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This one shot is cause I have the power to write it.


It was another world meeting like all the other one's they talk about pointless things and start fights, you know the usual, but today something was different especially with Arthur Kirkland.

Alfred Pov : 

Today we were having an argument over which country had better chocolate cause why not we have nothing better to do with our time, and just a few years ago a new president had entered office and he looked lime he had a spray tan gone wrong, he wants to spend all me money on a fucking wall. Look at China his people built a huge wall, but people still got in, I think that explains why he always looks like he is dying inside I think they got in his mind or something. 

"Pasta!Pasta!Pasta!" Feliciano was yelling while throwing pasta. I have never seen some creature so excited over fucking noodles. 

"Feliciano shut the hell up or I will throw out your Fucking Pasta!" Doitsu yelled. 

"Pleasea don't baby I love you, but I love my pastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa more ve~."    Feliciano shrieked.  Feliciano then full on pounced on Doitsu and started to kiss him.

Then all of the sudden Arthur got out of his chair and sprinted out of the meeting room to the bathroom. I ran after him and when I reached the door I heard the sound of someone throwing up. I opened the door and I saw Arthur with his head over the toilet and continued to throw up.

"Arthur are you alright?" I say and he turns to look at my face. I studied his face and he looks petrified to see me here.

He begins to mumble something under his breath.

"What was that I can't hear you?" I say. He mumbles again only a little louder, but still not audible.

"Arthur I can't hear you." I say.

"I am Pregnant!" He yells at me with anger and fear in his eyes. He then starts to bawl his eyes out,

I was completely shocked. Arthur was pregnant who did this to him.

"Who?" I asked, he raised his shoulders in confusion.

"Who did that to you?" I asked.

"You." He said looking me in the eyes. Wait.Wait.Wait a second I did this to Arthur, I am the one who knocked him up, wait I am having a baby with Arthur. 

I bent down and pulled him into a hug and Arthur was shocked.

"I love you so goddamn much you know that, this is the best day of my life." I say as we continue to embrace each other.

"I love you too." Arthur said back embracing me back.


Thanks so much for reading please favorite and comment and tell me what you guys would like to see next.

See you guys next time BYE!!!!!!!!!   

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