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(set when all the boys are met....and if your new this has characters from my storys ok..if you want to ask a question make a comment and put in caps ask with a it ok! if i need asks i'll make up my own to keep it going but you guys do matter )

lori was sitting on the ground outside her backyard watching something amazing...tantalizing amazing 

her man along with the rest of the louds boyfriends came over when her y/n offered to give them free work out and self defense lessons to her family and the guys for a week

now some like lynn and her boyfriend were excited to have a chance to get more buff and work up a sweet

while others like luans boy wanted to only see their girlfriends or lenis who was inside making lemonade making sure everyone was hydrated

but why was this all amazing to lori 


the sweat flying off the neck and manly chest of a topless y/n showing off the heavy muscular build he had especially seeing his glistening abe's that he got from all the exercise he gets beating up thugs and his boxing side job

lori had to wave herself off to cool down from the sudden blush she got on her face  

lori-oh..i can watch this all day

???-well i can't dude

lori turns to luna who was sitting next to her waiting for leni and her honey to make lunch for everyone looking at her man making a ass out of himself

her rocker of a boyfriend was in a pitiful state the signature skull beanie sitting next to her as you run around in a sweat drenched grey tank top and baggy blue pants he had a miserable look on his face like he was about to melt like candle wax in a inferno 

your kicks and punches where slow and uneven and the sweat on your brow coming of in droplets with every motion 

lori sighed as she looks at luna and had to ask this question 

lori-i got to ask...why is he even doing this luna we all know he hates being hot and he hates working out he doesn't exactly have a good ummm

luna looks at her with bored look and a eye roll but not offended in the least by her comments 

luna-he's lazy..just come out and say it he would rather be playing the drums or playing video games with lincoln inside then be out here punching and kicking air 

lori gave a off handed look 

lori-soooo..why is he doing this then

luna sighs and covers her eyes with one hand

luna-because while he may be lazy he still has damn male pride and that pride is demanding him to try and look good infront of me even if he has to die in a sweaty heep to do it

before lori can even say a thing about that


the whole backyard and some of the fencing shook with a explosion coming from...where else lisa's room

everyone ran inside but luna's boyfriend was lagging behind moving slowly and panting  before collapsing on the ground  

they all open lisa's room door and shout angrily at the brainy loud


rita was the first to see lisa who was smiling the biggest grin and in the center of the room with what looked like a i-pad machine  there next to was her large best friend 

lisa-am glad to see everyone here 

rita-lisa...what is that?

everyone was now looking at the flat screen in the center 

lori-lisa you're not trying to download the internet into your brain again are you

lisa friend looks at her weirdly and worriedly

you-you tried to download the internet into your head? how? would that be possible?

lisa just fixes her glasses ignoring you

lisa-no lori am not i have since given up such mundane tasks of cartoon lunacey 

lisa then holds the screen up

lisa-THIS! is my newest invention! the terrestrial diver!..patent will give us messages from across time and space from other forms of life!

everyone raises a eyebrow at her saying that 

lynn-time in space huh?

lisa looks at her with a annoyed look 

lisa-you don't believe me do you family unit

luan-weeellll lisa it is a bit far-fetched i mean what messages will come through for all we know it will all be gobbledygook  

lisa smerks in delight 

lisa-that's the wonderful thing about science you don't know what will happen until you do it want us to help you why 

lisa tries to show them her perspective 

lisa-this is a singular opportunity to speak with intelligent lifeforms across not only space and time but maybe even dimensions...i had a trillion to one shot of making this work...and i got that one percent i think they will be curious of us so we need to make them comfortable

lori was about to say something when the i-pad thing started sparking which made everyone eyes widen knowing what that particular sound was from living with lisa


lori boyfriend tackles some of them down while others drag others down with them 

and the the explosion of multi colored rays hit each loud and friend and boyfriend in the house

 after it was over they rub their heads and groan in pain head feels like a drum only instead of sticks they're using hammers  

lori glares at lisa

lori-a trillion to one shot huh!

lisa -i..i don't understand it shouldn't have..done that

lori gets up and points her finger into lisa chest 

lori-well i think it's like usual! you make something and it explodes for some reason! 

and then they felt something in their heads


lori stops and eyes go wide as everyone else's  as they hear a voice resonate in their heads as if it was spoke in their ear

lisa smiles so wide it almost splits her cheeks 

 lisa-IT WORKED!...sorta

ask loud house and company!(give comments they are needed for this!)Where stories live. Discover now