three! two! one! reply!

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we look outside the louds backyard as lori boyfriend sets up the last heavy matt on the floor

you-annnnd there!..ok you rocker-boy! get your butt over here!

luna boyfriend sighs thinking it was really stupid of him leaving luna and her room to return to this

damn him and his drive to be cool

lynn runs towards lana and the dweeb who sitting on the ground large grins in lynns hans she had a bowl of popcorn and some soda's with them

she sits down and hands lana her soda

lynn-ohhh! can't wait to see this!

lynn boy cant help but take delight in this

you-yep! this is going to be awesome

lana gives out a mighty belch from the soda she is drinking 

seizure_hyper_sonic asks-ok..what's going on now! weren't we just watching lana a minute ago!

luna boyfriend gives a glare at the top of his eyes as if he was talking to his head

you-well i...

but then lori boyfriend cuts him off as he enters the frame over him

you-i'll tell you what's up! see this bongo drumming rocker-boy wanted some self defense training so he wanted me to teach him..

the vigilante then steals the beanie off the top of the head of the rocker showing his very bad bed/hat head and spins it in his hand with his index

you-whiittchhh! am betting is the "real" reason you wasted away today..can't keep the old male protective instinct down can ya

the rocker angrly snatchs back his precious beanie back and slams it on his head

you-give me that! aren't you supposed to be the big "hero" why do you have to always steal my hat!

the brute just chuckles and makes a small cencer around the kids

you-cause it's f-en funny that's why 

before the rocker could blow his top he was dragged by one arm to the center of the matt's that came from the boxing gym

you-welp..better see what am working with..

prase_the_sun asks-oh no..he didn't..tell me the idiot didn't just give the man whose "only" weakness is a drawn out "chokehold" permission to whale on him!

anon asks-oh! i can see the new hashtag now!  #deadDrummr! what a riot!

the vigilante turns his head and grumbles 

you-you all say that like you ever been strangled freaking hurts..

the rocker gives him a confused look often "do" get strangled on your job

the guy shrugs

you-not a lot really 

punmaster asks-oh not a lot he says! lets see there was the one on his first date with lori..the one with the fight with the nerd all i can think many..huh?

ask loud house and company!(give comments they are needed for this!)Where stories live. Discover now