everybody asks a question!

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waka_waka asks-gee..wonder what leni and the shopkeeper are up to

in the kitchen leni boyfriend was shoving lemons into a metal juicer and then discarding the wastes into the trash as he filled a jug while whistling a happy tune he then blinks when he hears the ask

you-ummm just making lemonade for the people outside knowing them they will be quite  parched after they are done...as for leni she and her mom left to go shopping a little bit ago

he then smiles as he wipes his hands with a paper towel 

you-she said she needed some new material for a raincoat she is making..she really is branching out of her comfort zone with her fashion 

fallout_marine-asks-as a man who has klutz of a girlfriend i need to ask how do you deal with it..i mean leni is practically the word turned human of "accident prone" how do you deal with it man

the store owner frowns a bit as he puts some sugar into the mix of lemon juice and rubs his eyes in exasperation  

you-i...don't  blame you for that comment..living with leni..has..its ups and downs

above the guys head appears a thought bubble and explains certain scenes in them

one was leni walking away from everyone towards a butterfly as they call out for her from a picnic in the park

you-for one..you can't take your eyes off her otherwise her A.D.D will act up and she will just go and follow whatever got her attention

another scene plays out this time showing leni being amazed by luan's boyfriend trick with his detached thumb trick with a smirk on his face as he enjoys toying with the older teen

you-another thing is her naivety and well..general lack of...well... 

gegogo asks-i believe what your trying to say she is stupid and a overall klutz i mean really you could pick any girl at random and i get  she helped your store but it seems that she overall made your situation worse so why don't you just dump her so you don't have to deal with all the weight that entails and as a bonus won't have to deal with this overpopulated mess that is her family 


the boys outside who were making a small sumo ring stopped and looked at the house in wonder at what set you off as did all the other people in the house who stopped what they where doing and looked at the direction of your voice

you give a heated glare above your head and were shaking in rage

you-i think there is a very big misunderstanding on what you think i have to deal with! and clearly you have no idea what kind of person leni is and what she does for me! you think i enjoyed my time before her! toiling away behind a cash register with the only person there to talk to being the dust mites and my own tormenting thoughts on what i was doing wrong with my store and as for her family everyone in this wonderful household is so damned unique and talented that its surprised me everyday to see them do their thing everyday! and what do you mean she's a "weight"! if anyone is a weight its..its..

you hung your head and calmed down and now having your hair shadow your eyes as you look down

you-be..before leni..i didn't have any idea how to make products better i was given a load of old things in the back when i asked for the owner to let me have my own stall in the mall and on the very first month i almost lost it all by not meeting my quota "worlds around" almost died right then and there if i didn't take out a loan to try and keep it...and the very next month leni walks into my shop and flips my whole world around...heh..kinda like the name of my shop huh...

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