loud ask world

125 3 7

lincoln sighs from his room sitting on his bed with a comic in his hands as he heard the long curse from lynn's boyfriend and cant help but say

lincoln-just another day at the loud house

ronnie anne who was reading a magazine on the floor look up at lincoln 

ronnie-hey better then my house lame-o my mama would just talk your ear off and don't even get me started on my brother

they both look back at their reading material

lincoln-yeah but it sounds like everyone is doing "something" shouldn't we "ya know" do something

ronnie lifts a eyebrow at lincoln

ronnie-oh! you got a idea there "man with a plan" or is this just another wing it deal

but before lincoln could open his mouth 

ladyboytoy asks-hey fellas! i was wondering do ya watch any anime! i mean i figure lincoln is a weeb or at the very least a nerd 

lincoln frowns and ronnie grins

lincoln-why does everyone always say that! i!..like!..comics! i have no problems with anime i even like some like SAO but am a superhero fan dang it!

ronnie was snickering and lincoln gives her a evil eye

lincoln-besides! if you want a weeb then just look at her! she has the whole seasons of gurren lagann on DVD in her house!

ronnie flushs red and stands up to face her boyfriend with a glare

ronnie-oh yeah! well what about all these comics stinklin! 

she gestures under his desk with it being fill with old comic books that there was no leg room

ronnie- you have comics all the way back to the nineties lincoln some with the weirdest plots i have even heard of! and speaking of placement why even "have" a desk if your just going to use it for comic storage! 

 lincoln hops off his bed and buts head with his girlfrend 

lincoln-first of all! those are limited edition! second! it's not my fault i don't have a bookshelf for all my comics!

kill_me_baby_2 asks- so you guys have any games you all play as a family 

silver_freddy asks-so what do you guys do to end fights now that the shopkeep put a big fat fail on the sister fight protocol 

lincoln glares at ronnie annie as she glares back as lincoln sticks out his hand

lincoln-game fight

ronnie grabs it with force

ronnie-game fight

(flash forward)

a sound of a explosion is heard followed by the sound of a announcer shouting "GAME"..WINNER! ROBIN!

a vein pulsing lincoln holding his controller in anger and smug ronnie anne with her arms crossed with her tongue stuck out at her best friend 


ronnie annie just sicks her nose up soaking in lincoln's rage

ronnie-what can i say me a Robin just kick butt more so yours than anyone else's..i mean why play Pichu of all characters lincoln when its weaker then the standard pikachu   

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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