Chapter 26: At last

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It's so dark in here... and it smells smelly in here... I don't like it I wanna get out of here! I start to freak out and cry, I don't want to cry but I just can't help it, it's all dark, smelly, quiet and I'm stuck in this stupid box! I want to get out, I'm so scared!

"Don't worry everything is going to be okay now" says a voice from in my head.

"What... what do you mean?! Who are you! What's going on!" I ask the voice.

"Don't worry about that now, we have to focus on getting the heck up outta here... so do something... get us outta here" the voice says.

I try to ask more questions but the voice never comes back. So I start to cry again because I'm once again alone. I don't know what else to do at this point. I feel as though there is something missing, like I'm supposed to be looking for someone, but I can't remember who. Then it hits me! I know who I need to look for!

"Mommy ! Mommy where are you? Mommy please come and get me please! I'm stuck in this boxy thing and I can't get out! Please help me mommy!" I call for my mommy as I continue to cry.

Fawn POV

I've been at this cemetery everyday for almost 3 weeks and she still hasn't risen yet. I'm starting to feel scared, not only for me but everyone in this pack and surrounding it. Since the war everything has went to shambles. There is no stable beta, Jack has locked himself away and is going feral, half of the pack is either dead or gone; and the only person who can fix all of this is still dead! You would think that if she came back from the dead once that she could do it again. But as more time passes by with Jay being dead worries me.

If the alpha becomes too feral he could snap and kill himself, me, or the pack; he'll if anything he'll just do all three! But I'm not gonna lose hope like everyone else, not like the pack, Alex and Jack, I'm gonna keep waiting here until she comes back to us all.

"I have faith in you kid... don't let me down"

All of a sudden I hear very, very, very faint noises coming from her grave.

"Can this really be! Jay darling! Jay" I call out to her praying that I just haven't went insane.

I quickly pick up the shovel and I start to dig. I don't stop digging until I heal a clink noise come from my shovel. After all this time you are finally here to stay.


I stay in the spot like the very big dude said. But now I'm sad. I'm sad because that older lady... what was her name again? Fanny; Faith, oh I remember Fawn! Told me that my family and old pack was gone. I didn't believe her. There's no way that my mommy would be gone! But she said that my old pack was attacked and that I was the only one that escaped.

I'm pretty sure that I would've remembered something like that. This lady is just crazy! But to me it looked like she didn't even believe herself when she said it, she looked at me all weird like I had a problem! After she told me this though, I started to cry, again. I just been doing a lot of crying lately when I don't need to because I am a big girl and big girls don't cry! So I have to be brave!

"Come we must get you cleaned up and to the alpha right away" the lady says and starts to grab at me.

"No! I don't wanna go with you, you poppy head! I want my mommy and I want her now!" I yell at the lady

"I don't have time for this you are coming with me and that's final" the old lady says.

The lady grabs me really hard and starts to drag me away. I kick and scream as hard as I can but she's just to strong, eventually I just give up and let this weird lady drag me off. What seems like forever, the lady stops at this very bad looking house. It could really use some decorations, like sparkles! We walk in because there is no door; we walked up the steps and into a VERY, bad looking room, like this room was more dirty than my room back home. As we walk in further into the room we see a man sleeping in a broken bed. We walk closer to him, he looks somewhat familiar, but my brain just couldn't think why he looked so familiar.

"Finally; my King" said the voice outta nowhere.

"Hey! Your back, are you gonna tell me what's going on now?" I asked the voice in my head.

"When the time is right Jay" and once again the voice left... great.

After talking to the voice in my head I looked closely at the man on the bed again. His face looks so familiar.

"Go, get in the bed with him, he'll be so happy to see you after so long" the lady said.

"Why would he be happy to see me I don't even know him" I say to the lady.

"God your such a brat! Can't you just listen to me and get in the bed! This is why I never had children" the lady ranted.

"Hey; watch it lady I may be small, but I will bite you and that's a promise" I say right back to her.

The lady, once again grabs me against my will and puts me on the bed with the strange man. She tells me to stay put and that if I leave she was gonna spank me, and there is no way I'm letting that evil lady spank me! So I just sit, but for some reason I can't help but to look at this man. He's so beautiful. But he looks so sad, I just have this feeling to comfort him. So I do. I crawl closer to him and I start to pet his hair, like a little bitty puppy.

Hey guys I'm back!!!!! I know that it's been a while, but I'm here to announce that I am back in action and that I'm going to be re-inventing my page!!! So all this week I will be finishing this story, and working on my other two stories and hopefully either starting a sequel for this book, or starting a whole new book; I haven't decided yet but you guys should let me know what you want down in the comments!!! And while your at it leave a like for me, for my "hopefully" graceful comeback!!!! Thanks, see you guys soon!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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