part 9

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"Don't forget to text me, okay? Maybe we could having double date together," the blabber girl a.k.a Seonah (Yup, we are friends now) remind me. I nod before making my way to the lift. I am so dead tired. The recording ended at 12 a.m. so Seonah and her friends are kind enough to give me a lift to my apartment. My apartment, I mean, Ai's and my apartment (we shared) is not too small but not too big though. It is located near to our university. I love our apartment because the surrounding is calm, the neighbourhood are all kind and it is near to the public facilities. Our apartment has 3 rooms, a cute kitchen, a cozy living room and a clean toilet. I  go straight to the toilet to anwer the nature call as soon as I reach our apartment. "How is it?" a geisha shows up in front of my face so sudden I nearly slap her. "Yah! Ai, why didn't you clean up? You nearly kill me young." She roll her eyes and go to the bathroom to wash her face. I forgot that Ai is acting as geisha for our university's festival. "You still not answering me, Jas." "What? What do you ask?" I heard she sigh. "How's the recording? Are you enjoying yourself? Is he handsome? Is he treating you right?" "Wow, that's a lot of questions," I laugh while she walking to sit beside me. "It's tiring but it's okay. I've make new friends. I'll assume with 'he', you mean my partner. I didn't get to see him yet. We will meet another day. But..." "But what?" Ai look at me, concern. "But, the idols are all handsome," especially, the pervert guy but I surely would not tell her,  "so I believe my partner is good-looking." "Have you seen Kai?" Ai ask as my eyelids begin to drop. "Huh? Who?" "Erm, nothing. Sleep now or you will look like a panda tomorrow," she said just before I go to the dreamland.

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