Goodbye peace

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She sat beside me and I stood up
Where are your parents?
She looked at me confused
You are my father
Why would I say that if it isn't true?

I started looking around
Maybe someone's playing a trick on me
Maybe her parents abandoned her
Maybe she got lost
Maybe she can't see well
Anything but that

I'm too young for a child and she is definitely too old to be mine
I'm only sixteen

What is your name little girl?
She smiled again
My name is PDRFME.
I'm seven years old and I'm from the future.
I'm your daughter.
I would address you as Dad but judging from your current behavior you would deny it again.
Can't you see a little resemblance?

I squinted and made my eyes bigger
Some of her features do resemble mine but I was going to deny it again
If you are my future child, how did you get here?

Easy. You called for me and I answered. But I can only stay for so long. If you have any questions to ask me, ask them. I already know everything about you.

I was creeped out but if this is a prank it's a pretty good one

Okay let's sit down first.
She happily sat on the bench and I sat on the farthest corner.

So what do you want to know?

When were you born?

February 14

What year?

I can't tell you that. There are certain rules I have to follow.

Like what?

Can't say my birth year. Can't say my mother's name nor her birth date. Can't tell you how many children you have. Can't tell you too much about your future self. Only you can see me. And most of all I can't leave too far from this tree.

So I could escape her anytime I want to and that's a plus.
I'm going to miss talking to my  tree though.
Can't really say the explicit things with my "daughter" present

Can I have a hug?

No little child.

But you love my hugs.

No future me loves your hugs. This is a little too much for me right now. We should try this again later.

She nodded with a sad smile and I walked away feeling my anxiety melt away with each step

I looked back but she was already gone just like my peace of mind

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