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Chapter 13

I was running about for five minutes to give myself time to think. I was getting tired and more stressed as time passed. I decided to buy myself more time, so I went into the forest that surround our compound. I tried to remember everything I did when I turned myself invisible last time. The only thing I remember is that I wished really hard that I wanted to become invisible and I was. It must be the only thing to do. I wished that an alarm could go off so the students and the director would wake up.

Next thing I hear is an alarm.

Yay! I did it!

I start to see students lost and tired, wondering why the alarm is ringing. I finally see Theadora so I go out of my hiding spot. She sees me and gets worried, she's calling someone. I smile at her, because everything is okay. I'm fine now. Even Talia and Allie are waking up.

Suddenly, I see everyone gasping. I don't understand. In an instant, the only thing I see is a black mist forming around me. What is happening? I try to run but my legs don't move, no matter how hard I try. Captain Hills just arrived with his goons, I begin to not be able to see anything else. The last thing I see is everybody being terrified and no one dared to move.

I lost consciousness just after.


I woke up attached to a chair. In a pitch black room. I can't see anything. My head is spinning and I can't seem to focus. I try to see my surroundings but it's really too dark to see anything. I want to scream, but a voice in my head is telling me that I really shouldn't. So I wait, I wait for what feels like an eternity when suddenly the door opens.

"Hello, dear." He says, holding on every syllables. He realizes that I won't answer him so he continues. "How are you on this fine morning?"

"Morning? How long was I asleep?" I ask.

He opens the lights in the room. It's a room that is probably in the basement of an old house. It looks like it's decaying.

"You slept quite a long time. Three days." He answers. Three days?! The camp must be going crazy wondering what happened to me. If I'm still alive.

"Why am I here? I would like to leave." I calmly say. "My friends are probably really worried about me."

"Yeahhh. I don't think so. You know, you and I would be so strong together, we could be anything and do anything. Don't you get it? You are more than them. You're stronger and really more powerful, like me." He admits, looking a little crazy for power.

"You know, you never told me why you would think I'm like you." I reply.

"Do you feel like your mother doesn't love you like she should? Did you ever have nightmares about a fire?" He wonders, staring directly into my eyes.

I do have some dreams about a fire when I was younger. But it must be a coincidence or he knew that. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"It has to do with everything. You are an orphan, Chérie. A fire started in an orphanage and all the children were sent into homes. You probably forgot since you were so young. But I remember your name." No, that must be a lie. "Every children in that orphanage were like us. We were supposed to stay there until we were of age to go out in the world. I was the oldest and I started to lose control of my powers. The nuns sent me to camp Ancora. I heard them talk about how I was so different and they didn't know what to do with me. They were going to lock me up forever. I left. Then the fire happened and you were all dispersed." He explains.

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