1 | The Plan

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Matthew's Point of View:

I woke up due to the rapid rhythm of my stupid alarm clock. By the time I opened my eyes I saw my mom staring at me, with a smile on her face. I guess the rumor has it - it's the start of my new lousy, boring day. Just how great is that.

My mom is an accountant but she decided to quit her work last month. She is actually afraid that no one is around to take care of me. Well, it's been a month since my parents decided to file for a divorce paper and last week the judge finally announced that both my parents are legally separated under the law. My mother thought that nothing can torn our family apart until my dad's slutty secretary, Juliet claimed that she has an affair with my father. Then my mom started to focus on her work but when my old nanny quits her job, she decided to stay in the house with me. And as for my dad, honestly he is currently living with his mistress and I have heard that they are expecting a child soon.

But my mom did not complain at all. I don't know how she managed not to but I'm somehow proud of her for doing the right thing. She is forty-three years old but she looks younger than her real age. She has an admirer, Uncle Derrick and they seem to get along pretty well. It's probably a good sign for her.

"Wake up sweetie" My mom stated in a calm voice.

One more thing, I hate pet names like sweetie and honey. For crying out loud, its killing me. Literally. I'm starting to get used to it.

"Hey mom" I greeted, while rubbing my eyes. Then she looked at me directly with her eyebrows knitted together

"Honey, how many times do I have to tell you that rubbing your eyes can cause serious damage" Okay, here she goes again.

"Anyways, how was your sleep?" She asked, while sitting ludicrously on my bed.

"Could've been any better" I smiled at her not wanting to say anything aside from that. I had to admit that I am now well rested thanks to the hot, blonde girls on my dream. That's it, I should stop thinking about my dream last night or else I might piss in my pants.

"Okay, I guess you better hurry up otherwise you'll be late" She stated and she fixed herself.

"Just call me when you need me" My mom is pretty cool but those kids in school kept on teasing me because my mom can be overrated most of the times. Seriously, I never experienced the real world of being a college student, studying in a university - Partying all night, drunk, getting wasted, smoking in a pot and dating hotties. It doesn't mean that i never had a girlfriend before, I once had a girlfriend and I met her during our band camp. Her name is Ashley, the brunette band geek who plays trombone. I can still remember her smile and those red cheeks. But we broke up after she went to Australia and left me without saying goodbye. Then I went to a University, while trying to make things right. There I met Melrose, the girl who captivated my heart by her sweet smile and a complete set of pearly white teeth. But who am I kidding? She'll never noticed a loser with glasses like me.

Few minutes had passed and it's almost 8 in the morning. Cooper must be waiting impatiently for me now.

"Man, what took you so long?" Cooper asked me with a smirk on his face.

He is a close friend of mine and he lives near my house so we would always go to school together. He is the so called Token Black Guy. He recently joined the swim team in order to prove himself in the community. But honestly he just wants to increase his sex appeal to every girls in town. He always wanted to fit in. Let me rephrase that statement - he is desperately trying to fit in. He wants to befriend the jocks. Then he ended up, being my best friend.

"Sorry, man" I answered as I let out a sigh.

"Its okay, wait have you heard about Tuck throwing the biggest party tonight? Dude, we have to be there" Cooper claimed. There he goes again, trying his very best to get into the biggest party in town. Well, honestly I've never been into a party before and I want to experience college life - getting wasted, drinking alcholic beverages, smoking in pot, making out with the hottest girl in school who turns out to be Melrose Sullivan. not like a teenage girl who has her own curfew. Well maybe that would be possible if my mom stops meddling with my life.

"What is so cool about that party anyways?" I tried to act cool in front of him. I don't even know how party became one of the synonyms of fun. I really want to break free from the chains.

"Melrose is going to attend, come to think of it" Yeah, of course Melrose. She is the hottest girl in campus and also the girlfriend of Tuck. She's invited, that's certain. I don't even know what she saw in him, Oh well, I guess the old saying is true...


"But how are we supposed to enter that party?" I asked.

"Do you really think if by chance I'm going to let you enter my party? This is for adults only not babies" Tuck interrupted our conversation then smirked. That is the Tuck we all know, an asshole who loves to bully losers which includes us. He is the homecoming king and every girl is so hooked up by his charms. I don't even see something special in him.

"Oh Matty, did you received a goodbye kiss from mama? What a dork?" He added then looked at me.

His friends burst into laughter.

"Babies" Bob, his friend teases us with a pout on his face. He is the best friend of Tuck. They are both captains in swim team. We can't do something about them, especially they were born as assholes. So we decided to ignore them.

"Is there a problem here?" Melrose interrupted. There goes the slow motion again everytime she walks by. How come hot girls manage to walk in slow motion? I mean, how was that even possible? But when I come to think of it: Melrose Jane Sullivan is just an illusion. She is like a star that you can never reach with your bare hands.

"No, were just talking about the party" Bob reasoned out. What a liar.

"Oh yeah, are you guys coming?" Melrose asked us with a smile on her face. The perfect smile - red lips and complete bright set of pearly white teeth.

"Hell no, they are not invited" Tuck answered with a smirk on his face.

"Come on, Tuck" Melrose pleaded with her

"Fine, you can come only if your parents allowed you" and they laughed again.

"Stop being an ass, Tuck" Melrose raised her eyebrow. Tuck and Bob walked away but Melrose decided to stay.

"Hey, you two should come I'll be expecting you" she smiled again before she bids her farewell.

"Dude, can you imagine this?" I asked him. Melrose personally invited me to the party and I'll be there whatever it takes. Even if I need to sneak out in order to attend that party think about it this way, it'll be my first college party. "What?" Cooper asked out of his confusion.

"I'm going to sneak out tonight" I said.

"Dude, it's too risky" He reasoned out and he doesn't seem to like the idea of breaking out.

"We will never know unless we try" I told him and if we're going to get caught then I'll be grounded with honor - I finally made my way inside a party. This is a call for a change, a revolution as I stated earlier. This is it, Matthew! I'm going to tell Melrose about my feelings tonight.

I'm breaking free, starting this day forward. Its time to be a man!

. . . . .

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