sleepovers are just excuses to get drunk and high and make out with your ex

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(I feel like I just made the title of a fall out boy song for the chapter title oof)

Ah yes FiNnAlY the weekend that all the boys have been waiting for. The weekend to have an excuse to underage drink horrible dollar store beer and get high and eat great value fruit snacks. They had all gotten out of school already and we're actually pretty excited to get away for a few days. Yes, more then just the weekend. They all just plan on skipping a few days a.k.a the whole week of school because they don't get enough time to actually hang out much anymore with them all being busy with school and jobs and finding a good college.

(Btw I'm just going with it now, sorry if any information is different from a chapter before, just roll with it)

The school day had just ended and now more then ever the needed a distraction. Dallon and Brendon had finally talked things through and decided to just stay the best friends they are. Brendon made a new friend, a girl named Sarah and she's actually really nice to all the guys and are practically their mom friend now. They we're all with whoever was giving them a ride and such and had stuffed their things into the ridiculously small trunks. The night before they had already planned out who was riding with who and who was driving. The whole time they were all driving their they were blasting music through the speakers and belting out the lyrics like the dorks they were. They eventually got to Josh's parents lake house thing right before 5 in the evening so pretty much all they wanted was either sleep or food. Mostly both though.

Josh and Tyler hopped out of the old slug bug they rode in and quickly made a head count. Brendon, Dallon, and Ryan (Ryan Seaman) crawled out of the very cramped Hamster car. They pulled out the bags n shit from the trunk, and of course they had to being the food and shit the seat next to Brendon in the back was filled with food and drinks. Tyler checked off the three of them on the small list he made on his phone as he waited for everyone else to get out of the cars. Awsten, Geoff, Otto, Remington, Sebastian, and Emerson got out of the mini van that the Kropp boys borrowed from their mom. Awsten had dramaticlly yelled and was being himself off course the moment he got out, saying that hanging out with them was hurting his soul.

They pulled all their stuff into the lawn thing that was cement, dirt, and grass. Vic, Kellin, Patrick, and Pete got out of their own little Hamster car. They brought less stuff then the rest of the guys because well Josh actually remembered to tell them the house had a washer and dryer. Apparently the rest thought their wasn't one so they brought too many clothes. Tyler smiled to himself when he found out everyone was there. "Okay everyone, let's get our stuff into our rooms then of course we shall eat!" Josh called out as he picked up his backpack and duffle bag from the ground.

They all pretty much groaned at having to pick up their things but moaned at the idea of food. They dragged themselves through the front door and gasped at how cool the place was. The kitchen was huge and the living room was hella cozy looking and they assumed the bathroom was pretty clean. The floors were a shiny brown and the kitchen counters were a clean marble. The cabinets were a light brown and shined in the fluorescent lights. The living room had a fluffy white carpet in the middle in front of the TV which sat on a black stand. There was one long L couch and a love seat but the carpet was soft enough to lay on to nap. The bathroom was filled with pink, white, and gold shades which practically shined in every way possible. There was a fire place off on the wall in between the front door and kitchen and on the mantle stood a few pictures of younger Josh and his siblings presumably outside behind the house. "Jeez Josh, how much does this place cost?" Brendon said laying on the carpet. How'd he get to it so fast?
"I actually don't know. But it's so clean because the last time it was used was two years ago by my parents so of course it's clean and tidy." Josh said with a sort of sad sigh.
Everyone knew Josh didn't have a good relationship with his parents. Well especially his birth parents. When he was 2-5 years old all his birth parents did was abuse him physically and mentally. His parents had consumed too much alcohol and basically OD'd. His adopted parents cared for him just not the best. They loved him, they did but they cared about their blood children more. Tyler grabbed his hand reassuringly and gave him a small smile which Josh returned.

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