emo fuccs

113 7 23

Oli,';) had created a new chat!
Oli,';) named the chat 'emo fuccs'
Oli,';) added..

blue-eye-bitch, kellybear, Vic(t)(o)rFu(e)nte(s), beninjam, denden, coffeefetus, corgi_legs, jim, ally, austin, himetime, turtle, m1k3, gothlizard, gothratboi, burrito-fucker, batman, asshole, coward, gayscarf, and soulless

oli,';): wassup losers

kellybear: ouch

coward: wtf is this

oli,';): a groupchat of everyone, obviously, you fuckin' ding bat

coffeefetus: well i already want out

kellybear: i don't think we can ever leave

vic(t)(o)rfuent(e)(s): oli never let's us leave

asshole: he'll just keep adding us back

coffeefetus: oh fuck me great

coward: p l e a s e delete this, it's already making my phone blow up enough

jim: ur literally sitting on the couch giggling at how it's vibrating off the coffee table ty

coward: oh shut up don't out me like that


ic(t)(o)rfuent(e)(s): kells why aren't we hanging out like them? were supposed to be the cutest we WERE voted cutest couple of friends back in first grade

kellybear: ....

kellybear: i-

oli,';): will someone tell my dumbass boyfriend to actually respind to my beautiful creation that everyone seems to love so far?

jim: whos ur bf

Oli,';): josh

jim: wh

Oli,';): no, not u, u weirdo, british josh

austin: oh mY GOD EVERYONE SHUT u p

ally: plehthes

ally: please*

coffeefetus: p l e h t h e s

austin: bby wtffffff

ally: >:(((

coward: wait ik austin but who is ally? i thought none of us had g0rl friends?

ally: im alan, me and aust just wanted to be weird and made our user names austin and ally

coward: o h

austin: im just trying to watch a movie with mt bf i am too tied tondealnwith all of you guys so please do the love of god stop typing snf just wait until later to talk p l e a s e

oli,';): ur no fun but fine

jim: ill be back at 3

kellybear: am or pm?

jim: ;)))

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