The Unfaithful

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Sound boomed through the club as crowds of people danced on the floor.  It stinked from body odor and alcohol.  A young attractive woman pushed through the crowd, along with an unattractive man. Her long blonde hair reached down her back, and her dark brown eyes were bright with life. The man had a once-broken nose and ugly teeth. She was too drunk to care whether he was attractive. It was her twenty-first birthday. She never had a drink before, but more importantly never had her first time.

They attracted five pairs of hidden eyes.

The couple was heading toward the exit when two women began to follow them. Their names were Zahra and Emi. Zahra had beautiful dark skin, with her natural hair put into a bun. Emi's hair was black and sleek and lay on her shoulders, and her dark eyes held determination. She muttered to herself in Japanese.

A few strides behind Zahra and Emi were three men. Their names were Anton, James, and John.

The couple made it outside. Snow slowly fell to the ground. The woman was shivering, but the man was not affected. "It is cold, are you sure? We can go inside and do it inside one of the bathrooms?"

The woman's face turned red. She smiled awkwardly and said, "No, this is fine."

"Hmmm.... Perfect," he grinned.

Within a few seconds, he pinned the woman against the wall. "I like it rough," she winked at him.

The man made no comment and started kissing her. Their kissing lasted about a minute.

"Ouch! Don't bite my lip that hard." She pushed him away. Her hand touched her lip; blood was on her fingertip. She looked up at the man. He sneered at her.

"What are you?!" She stared at his two sharp, pointed fangs.

"How dumb can you be, bitch?" He was about to launch himself at her neck.

"That question is for you, ugly ass!" James grinned, grabbing the vampire by the neck as the vampire kicked and tried to claw at him. James is a big, husky man, standing at six-foot-four-inches.

Zahra and the others appeared by his side. "Go home, don't go out at night," Zahra said urging the young woman to run, and without hesitation she did.

"Come on, guys," the vampire nervously laughed.

James tossed the vampire against the wall. The five hunters surrounded the vampire. Anton pulled out his stake.

"Don't," Zahra snapped.

Anton muttered and put the stake away.

"Tell us what your master's planning! He has the council in town, for what?!" John spat out with a proper British accent.

"None of your fucking business! I'm not afraid of you," the vampire hissed.

John looked over to Anton. All John had to do was take a step forward. The vampire screeched.

Emi muttered, "Fucking coward."

The vampire put his hands up submissively. "I don't know, but I know who does: Forla the Blind."

The hunters looked among themselves. The name did ring a bell.

"Anton, finish him," Zahra frowned.

The vampire screamed and begged.

Anton quickly dug the stake into his heart. The vampire was now dust.

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