Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Percy's POV

I wake up with a sudden scream. The memories of tartarus plaguing my mind. The screams of the tortured echoing in my ears. My tortured screams, Annie's tortured screams. My very pregnant mother waddles into my room in a defensive position as it ready for a fight. And trust me, you don't want to get into a fight with a hormonal pregnant woman. My step-dad, Paul, follows behind with bleary eyes and a baseball bat up and ready to whack some intruders.

Their stances soften when they see me upright in bed, panting and sweaty. My mum comes over and tries to comfort me, "oh Perce, this is the fifth time this week." she murmured while pushing the damp hair that was clinging to my face, behind my ear. I shrugged my shoulders halfheartedly, not knowing how to reply. I lost so many people in the second war. The only people left are Nico and Thalia. Gaia killed the rest. Every time I close my eyes, I see their blank faces and soulless eyes staring at me. I was unable to save them. I couldn't stand the looks of pity directed towards me, so I arranged with Chiron to go back and live with mum and paul so I can have some normalcy in my life. Nico and I were offered to become gods, Thalia was offered as well but she decided to stay with the Hunters. Nico agreed and became the god of ghosts and resurrection, he was also named to being Hades successor. I told them I will, but I wanted to spend a year or two as a mortal to spend some time with my mum before becoming a goddess. The gods completely understood and sent me on my way. They gave me until I am twenty then I will become the goddess of lakes, rivers, waves and Pegasus (don't know if there  is a god or goddess for this but I don't giva fook)

I slowly fall back asleep relishing in my mothers touch.


I slowly wake in the morning, literally dragging myself out of bed and across the floor and out the door, down the hallway and into the kitchen. Mum just steps over not paying mind to me since it's like this every morning.

I pull myself up to the counter and start shoving the blue waffles into my mouth that mum had made right before I woke up.

I look up with my mouth over flowing with waffles and blueberries. Mum and Paul were looking at me with a strange look. "Percy, dear." she starts with a hesitant look on her face. I make a noise through the waffles to urge her to continue. "Well, Paul's been offered a new job in a small town in Virginia and we thought it might be a good new start for you until you move to Olympus." I slightly choke on my waffles before quickly swallowing them. I look up at them and think about it for a while. I realise, this might be my only chance to escape my demigoddess life, move out to a small town where less monsters would show up. A monster and god free two years. Sounds relaxing. I look up at them and nod my head. The start of a new life before I am to become a goddess.


So here I am pulled up in front of a homey house in Mystic Falls Virginia. The house was cute and warm, I loved it.

 The house was cute and warm, I loved it

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