Chapter Twenty-Six

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"So you're going through on a date with my brother?" Rebekah asked the witch hybrid as the two went through cleaning the remains of the dance the night before.

Percy blushed a small smile blooming on her face, "Uh,  yeah. Later tonight we plan on going for dinner."

Rebekah let out a chuckle, "I have never seen my brother so infatuated with someone before," the vampire hummed, smiling as Leo made his way into the gym rolling a trash can in front of him. He grinned back mischievously.

Rebekah turned back to Percy who pulled a line of streamers from the wall the girl asking, "Really? I'm sure there have been many others he's had a fancy for."

"Oh there has been, I hated them all, I like you," Rebekah stayed with a small smirk and Percy chuckled.

"Thanks. I like you too."

"Hey what about me?" Leo asked from across the room a small pout on his lips. "I'm likeable right."

Percy sent a cheeky smile, "That's where your wrong, Bad Boy Supreme, you are not likeable in the slightest," Percy shook her head and Leo's pout morphed into an offended scowl. "You're downright lovable," she cooed with a smirk as Leo's expression morphed into a dopey smile.

Percy beat her chest twice with her fist and sent a piece sign towards her friend, "Love you, bitch!"

Leo chuckled mimicking her movements, "I ain't ever gonna stop loving you bitch!"

Percy let out a booming laugh as she turned back to her task, Rebekah looked at the two oddly.

"You guys are weird."

"That's because normal is overrated," Leo winked at the blonde vampire before turning back sweeping up several deflated balloons.

Rebekah smiled back at the Latino boy, "I'm sure it is."


"Where's Matt?" The trio looked over to where Caroline stood at the entrance to the gym.

Leo blinked in confusion, "Who?"

"The human who almost killed Finn," Percy explained.

Leo's nose scrunched in distaste, "Yeah, I don't like him."

"No one does, he's a waste of space," Percy brushed off ignoring the look of offence Caroline sent her.

"He bailed," Rebekah answered knowing Percy didn't care enough to say anything, not that she blames her. "Got called into work at the last minute."

Caroline huffed, "Are you kidding me? So it's just us?"

"You say that as if it's a bad thing," Leo frowned emptying the dustpan into the trash can.

"Yeah, I'll have you know I am amazing at cleaning, Tyson taught me several tricks," Percy stated proudly.

Caroline shot the two amused looks, "It's not that. But seriously only us?"

"Yes, And you're late. The cleanup committee started at eight o'clock," Rebekah stayed with a condescendingly sweet smile.

"It's like 8:02," the baby Barbie vamp protested.

"Exactly, I managed to turn up on time and I didn't even get to attend the dance that I organized," Rebekah stated the passive aggression strong.

"Oh, Bex," Percy sighed at the flash of anger and pain that swept through the older vampire's eyes.

Rebekah walked passed Caroline to empty out the trash in the trash can next to Leo.

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