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Bakugo and I went outside the stadium to talk. I wanted to talk to him about (y/n). As much as I care about her and have feelings for her, I don't think I can handle the awkward tension between Bakugo and her. Deep down, I love her with all my heart, but I don't want her to get hurt anymore. I turned to face Bakugo and saw his face look impatient.

"So why'd you bring me out here, you purple headed fuck?!" He said.

"Do you still have feelings for (y/n)?" I asked while looking down.

"Huh? Why do you want to know?" He asked, a little embarrassed.

"Because I was thinking about making a little preposition with you." My voice was starting to shake.

He raised an eyebrow as his eyes widen. He groaned underneath his breath as he clenched his fists. I looked at him, waiting for his answer. He was going to the next round, so he had to hurry and answer my question.

"Bakugo, you don't have a lot of time to talk....just answer my question. Do you still have feelings for (y/n) or n-..."

"Yes, I do! Fuck!" He shouted.

"Hmm. That's all I needed to hear. Thanks."

I looked down while turning around. I was going back to Recovery Girls office so I can talk to Yaoyorozu and Midoriya. But before I could walk away, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I slightly turned my head and seen Bakugo with gritted teeth and watery eyes.

"Y-you bastard! Why'd you wanna know if I still had feelings for (y/n)?" Bakugo asked me.

"I don't want to see her get hurt by you because of me. I'm doing this for her and her protection. But if she comes to me crying, I'll hurt you. You can have (y/n) back. I'll leave her alone and you won't have to deal with me anymore." I said while feeling tears starting to form in my eyes.

"She doesn't want me, Hitoshi....she wants you. She told me that she has feelings for you." He said while looking down.

"I know...I have feelings for her too, but I want her safe. Just ask her out again. I gotta go." I said while walking away.

'I apologize my beautiful bubbly friend. But I just want you to be safe.'


Shinso told me that I can have (y/n) back. He seemed so sad about it though. I sighed as I walked to Recovery Girls office. Once I got there, I knocked on the door before walking in. I waited for five minutes until someone came to open the door. I groaned when I was met with a pair of green eyes.

"K-Kacchan! What're you doing here?" Deku asked.

"I came to see (y/n), you damn nerd!" I said.

He nodded his head frantically while moving to the side. I walked past him and saw Yaoyorozu and (y/n) talking. She must've woken up a while ago since she looked tired. She glanced at me and frowned while looking away from me. Yaoyorozu and Deku hugged her one last time before leaving the room. Once they left, it was just us two. It was really quiet between us so I broke the silence.

"I'm sorry for throwing you across the battle ground, (y/n). I was just caught up in the mome-...." I said but got interrupted by her small voice.

"It's fine wanted to win more than I did. You put up a good fight." She said while holding her hand out.

I smiled as I shook her hand. I started rubbing her hand with my thumb, making small circles on her soft skin. I glanced at her and saw her close her eyes. This was a perfect chance to give her a sweet passionate kiss. I leaned in closer to her and kissed her lips. She opened her eyes and pushed me away from her while wiping her lips.

"K-Katsuki!? What the hell?" She yelled.

"I-I'm sorry (y/n)! I-I just miss your soft kissable lips." I admitted.

"Well, I already told you that I have feelings for Shinso." She said while crossing her arms.

I sighed as I walked towards the door. I placed my hand on the door, but turned around to face her before leaving.

"(Y/n)?" I started.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"Meet me outside the school after my fight against Todoroki. I wanna talk to you." I said.

I then walked out of Recovery Girls office and went to the waiting rooms. My next fight was with Tokoyami. I just hope (y/n) will do as I say. We really need to talk.


Bakugo kissed me, which was really unexpected. I sighed as I was in Recovery Girls office alone. I didn't see Shinso so I took out my phone to message him.

Hey Shinso

Indigo 💜:
Hey, how you doing?

I'm doing okay.... Recovery Girls taking care of me

That's good...we need to talk

About what? Hey, so um, Bakugo kissed me, which was so unexpected lol...but I actually have/want to tell you something

Indigo 💜:
Um, it's about Bakugo actually....and please don't tell me what you want to say

Oh? Well, what about him? And why don't you want me to tell you what I want to say?

Indigo 💜:
(Y/n), I care about you a lot...and if we're gonna be honest with each other, then I have to tell you something....I love you, (y/n)....with all my heart

I felt my eyes forming tears while my blood was rushing to my face. Then, my tears started streaming down my cheeks. I was relieved to hear that Shinso loves me. I looked at his message again and replied to him.

Shinso...I love you too

Indigo 💜:
But...I don't think it would be okay to date you

Why not?

Indigo 💜:
Bakugo still has feelings for you

Where are you?

Indigo 💜:

I put my phone away as I stood up. Recovery Girl came and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"You're free to go, (y/n). Please be careful next time." She said.

I nodded my head, respecting her wish, as I walked out of her office. I needed to find Shinso so we can finish our conversation from earlier. I'm not going to lose my best friend just because of Bakugo.

'I love you, Hitoshi Shinso and I will fight for you.'

Here's another chapter done loves! Sorry for the slow updates.

Crush (Discontinued){Hitoshi Shinso X Reader X Katsuki Bakugo}Where stories live. Discover now