Valentine's Day Special ❤️

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~In class~

"Are you and Bakugo coming to my super duper fun Valentine's day party, (y/n)?!" Mina asked eagerly.

"Um, I'm not sure Mina. I'll check with Bakugo when he gets here." You said with a nervous smile.

Mina giggled while throwing her fists in the air and nodding. Sure, you were excited about Mina throwing a Valentine's day party, but you wanted to be with the one who really had your heart. And that person was the beautiful boy with the tired eyes and purple hair. Shinso hasn't talked to you for awhile, which had you crying at night. The thought of him made you clench your chest of where your heart should be.

"What're you doing babe?" Asked a deep voice pulling you out of your thought.

You looked up to see spikey ash blonde hair and red orbs stare down at you. You nervously smiled while moving your hand away from your chest, which Mineta mistaken you for squeezing your breasts. Bakugo sat down in his seat that was placed in front of your desk. He then turned to face you, but before he could say another word to you, you pressed your index finger against his soft lips.

"Katsuki, Mina wants to know if we're going to her Valentine's day party." You told him while pointing at Mina with your thumb.

"I-I was really looking forward to having a special day for us, (y/n)." Bakugo whispered in your ear.

You blushed at his words while glancing at Mina. Her face was dusted with pink and sadness. You sighed as you thought of something to convince Bakugo on letting you guys go to Mina's party.

"Come on Bakugo, it could be fun! Not to mention, it would be nice to attend an event that our friend is having." You said with puppy eyes.

He hated when you did your puppy eyes to him. It always made him seem like he was the bad guy in the relationship. You tried your best to force tears into your eyes. When you felt them water up, that's when Bakugo gave in.

"Gah! Alright babe! We'll go to Mina's stupid Valentine's day party! Just stop forcing yourself to cry! Fucken hell!" He shouted.

You smiled immediately and stood up from your seat. You went over to Mina's desk and jumped up and down with so much joy. By the way, Mina and Yaoyorozu were your best friends. You and Mina squealed while walking towards Yaoyorozus desk. She was looking at Todoroki, when he glanced at her and her cheeks became pink.

"Hey, Yamomo, are you going to my party?" Mina asked the blushing girl.

"Uh...I-I'd love to girls, but I don't think I'm really fit for the whole "Valentine's day" scenario." Momo simply said.

"Nonsense! Todoroki-kun, will you please be Momo's date for my party?" The pink girl asked the handsome boy with split hair.

Momo's eyes widen as she glanced at Todoroki with fear in her eyes. His cheeks were dusted with pink while his eyes glimmered. He looked at Yaoyorozu for awhile, but nodded his head in agreement. You and Mina both cheered while hugging Todoroki and giving him kisses on his cheeks. Aizawa then came in the class and you all took your seats as class began.

~Time skip to lunch~

"So, what time is your party Mina?" You asked while grabbing your tray of food.

"It's gonna start at 7 and end at 12. This party is gonna be lit!" She said while eating.

You and Yaoyorozu giggled at your friends enthusiasm. You all sat at a table until you saw purple hair in the distance. You felt your face heat up from seeing Shinso sitting alone. You couldn't help, but get up from your table and walk towards the purple haired boy. Once you reached his table, you sat down across from him.

"H-hey Shinso." You nervously smiled.

"Hey (y/n). What's up?" He asked you.

"Oh, not much. So um, Mina's throwing a Valentine's day party tonight and I was wondering if you would go." You gulped.

He stared at you with a blank expression on his face. You could feel your heart beating fast as if it were to explode out of your chest. He then smiled as he caressed your cheek with his thumb.

"Sure. Where and what time?" He asked before removing his hand away from your soft cheek.

"Mina's house at 7. I'll see you there." You said while smiling and getting up from his table.

You waved to each other as you walked away from him. You then went back to your table with the biggest smile ever to be plastered on your baby face. Yaoyorozu and Mina smiled at your cuteness while quietly squealing only so you can hear.

"You invited Shinso?" Mina asked.

"Mhm! I've been crushing on him since I first met him." You simply said.

"How did you two meet?" Yaoyorozu asked while taking a sip of her tea.

You blushed at the thought of how you met Shinso. You remembered how he used his quirk on you to walk you home. That was actually a fun day for you, but you didn't want to admit it to him. Yaoyorozu waved her hand in front of your face, pulling you out of your memory of meeting Shinso.

"W-we actually met before school started. I was meditating at a park and he asked if he can sit by me to read, so I let him. Ever since that day, he'd been popping out wherever I went. I'm pretty happy that he's my best friend though." You said while looking back at him.

Mina and Yaoyorozu both gushed at the cute memory of your first time meeting the purple haired boy. You playfully rolled your eyes as you continued eating your lunch. You were going to make sure you had a dance with Shinso tonight.

~Time skip to after school~

You walked alone after school so you can have some "privacy" from Bakugo. You wanted to look really cute for this dance, so you went home a little early to get ready. You were so excited to dance with Bakugo, but more importantly, you couldn't wait to share a beautiful moment with Shinso.

You made it to your house so you quickly ran up to your room so you can take a shower. You haven't really spoken to your parents at all either. Ever since that accident, you've been pushing yourself away from your mother and father. You sighed as you kicked your shoes off in your room.

You started undressing yourself while walking around your room. When you were completely naked, you walked to your bathroom and started the shower. The water was the perfect temepature so you quickly got in and relaxed your body. You needed the relaxation since you've been training really hard at school.

After washing and rinsing your hair and body, you stopped the water and stepped out of the shower. You wrapped your hair in a towel along with your body. You walked into your room and went straight to your closet. You had the perfect outfit to wear for this specific occasion. It was a black lacey dress with black heels.

You put on a (f/c) bra with matching panties. You then sprayed yourself with some perfume before putting your dress on. After you were dressed, you ran back to your bathroom and turned on your curling iron. You curled your hair and styled it before putting on lipstick and mascara.

Once you were done getting ready, you texted Bakugo letting him know that you were ready. He replied back within a second saying, "I'll be there in five minutes." You smiled as you walked out of your room and down the stairs. You heard your mother gasped as she walked closer to you. You glanced back at her, but you quickly walked out of your house where you bumped into Bakugo.

His eyes widen as his cheeks became dusted with pink. You felt yourself blush as well, but you smiled afterwards pulling him in for a kiss. You both then linked arms and walked to Mina's house. You were so excited to see Shinso, Deku, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Mina, Kirishima, and Asui.

'Here goes to a Valentine's day special.'

Here's part one of the Valentine's day special. Part two is next so let's see how it goes.

Crush (Discontinued){Hitoshi Shinso X Reader X Katsuki Bakugo}Where stories live. Discover now