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It had been five days since Lisa and Jennie had their little encounter, and Lisa couldn't get the brunette out of her head.

Not because she thought the older girl was pretty, nor because she smelled crazily good when they first hugged; but because she really wished Jennie could attend her club since it would be the perfect help for her current situation.

So that Thursday afternoon, when Jennie didn't show up for the first club meeting, Lisa felt incredibly disappointed.

After the reunion ended, the blonde found herself waiting at the bus stop at 5pm. She still had to go home and work on her college applications. Thank god she didn't have dance practice that day, otherwise she would have fainted from exhaustion.

Lalisa Manoban was the type of girl that liked to be involved in a lot of activities. She didn't like to lie in bed doing nothing all day, and that's why she had that extrovert and extremely social personality.

❝Hey, Lisa!❞ The blonde heard a voice coming from across the street. It was her best friend Jisoo, who was also president of a club at their school, but in her case it was drama club.

Lisa smiled widely ❝Jichu!❞ She embraced the older girl in a tight hug. Both had busy lives, but nothing had ever change between them.

❝How was your first gay meeting❞ Jisoo asked, teasing her friend ❝How many coming-out parties do we have this month?❞

Lisa knew her best friend's humor, so she didn't feel offended ❝You're unbelievable❞

However, Jisoo could tell the blonde was acting kinda weird, her smile wasn't as bright as it always was ❝You don't seem as happy as I thought you'd be❞ The older girl assured ❝Did something happen?❞ She inquired.

❝It's nothing❞ Lisa answered quickly, Jisoo obviously knew she was lying. ❝Well, I was hoping that this girl would come, but she didn't❞

❝Who is this girl?❞ Jisoo asked with a sudden curiosity in her voice, raising her eyebrows.

❝Just a girl I met the other day❞ Lisa sighed  ❝I can't really tell you who❞ She shrugged. The truth was, she didn't even know if Jennie wanted to be out of the closet yet, and after what happened with her family, she didn't think it would be nice idea to tell anybody else.

❝Ugh❞ Jisoo groaned  ❝Do I know her?❞

The younger girl thought about it for a minute ❝No, I don't think so❞ If she only knew that Jennie and her best friend knew each other pretty well.


Jennie had been ignoring Lisa ever since they met that friday morning in the restrooms. The blonde was the only one who knew her little secret, not even her best friend Rosie knew it yet, and she really wanted to tell her, but she hadn't find the right moment to do it. Every single time she had tried to do it, she had absolutely failed.

About her parents, we could say the situation was half-handled. They refused to talk about the subject again, for them it was over. Jennie didn't exactly know how to act around them, her father didn't talk to her, they had just exchanged few words; on the other hand, her mother was pretending that nothing happened. She resigned to leave the envionment like that, because she didn't want to feel the way she felt that night ever again.

Seeing Lisa around the school halls reminded her of that horrible feeling; it reminded her of how numb and broken she felt the morning they accidentally met, but at the same time, it reminded her of how good was the blonde at making her feel better and how she comforted her between her arms.

A week after this whole event happened, Jennie found the courage to approach Lisa, who was sitting on the stairs of their school. The brunette couldn't think of anything else but just sit next to her without saying anything.

Lisa, who was too immersed on finding her bus card inside of her backpack, didn't realize about Jennie's company until she looked to her right. He heart stopped for a second. ❝Oh, hey❞ She gasped. ❝Are you okay?❞

Jennie nodded nervously ❝I'm okay❞  She mumbled.

Lisa knew Jennie from their phsicology class, they had never really talked to each other, but she admired the older girl a lot because she was very smart and wasn't afraid to raise her hand in class to give her opinion about everything. She didn't know much about the brunette, just that she was pretty popular around school and that was it. But what surprised Lisa was that, after almost two year of being classmates with her, she had never seen her sad or nervous like now.

❝You don't have to worry about what happened the other day❞ The younger girl said just to start conversation ❝I won't tell❞  She assured.

❝Yeah I know...❞ Jennie admitted. ❝I'm sorry for ignoring you❞

Lisa couldn't help but smirk ❝Apology accepted❞

❝D-Do you uhmm❞ Jennie hesitated  ❝Would you like to go grab a coffee with me?❞ She finally managed to say.

❝I'd love to❞


Jennie and Lisa had clicked inmediately, after two cups of coffee and one cinnamon roll for the youngest, the two girls had found out how much they had in common: both of them had move to Brighton at a young age, they shared a passion for photography, and they wanted to go to university in London. They also had a lot of differences though, but it was like they complemented each other perfectly.

Lisa was still feeling extremely curious about Jennie —even though they had shared a lot of information about each other in just an hour— so she smoothly went to the subject she wanted to reach ever since they first met.

❝So when we met, you said you liked a girl and that's why you told your parents, right?❞ Lisa hinted, the older girl already knowing where this was leading to ❝Who is she?❞ She finally asked without hesitating but regretted it inmediately when all she heard in response was silence ❝You don't have to tell me if you don't want to... I mean I-❞ She babbled and face-palmed herself for her words ❝God I'm so invasive❞

❝Her name is Jisoo❞ Jennie suddently confessed, not wanting Lisa to feel embarrased.

❝Jisoo?!❞ The blonde exclaimed in surprise. Her best friend was the last person she expected to be Jennie's crush ❝Jisoo Kim?❞

Jennie did know where this reaction was coming from, she had seen the two girls together at school, but prefered to play it cool. She didn't want to look like a crazy stalker or something ❝Wait, do you know her?❞

The blonde took another a sip of her latte ❝Are you kidding? She's my best friend!❞ She blurted ❝How did you two met?❞

❝We were the only koreans in the drama club❞ Jennie explained ❝Two years ago❞

Lisa really nedeed to talk more to Jisoo about her other friends, because apparently, she didn't know anything about the people she hanged out with apart from her. And Jennie liking Jisoo was... unexpected.❝And you've had a crush on her for two years?!❞

❝...No❞ The brunette vacillated ❝I recently broke up with my boyfriend because I started catching feelings for Jisoo❞

❝Woah!❞ Lisa gasped ❝You turned out to be way more interesting than you look❞

Jennie gave her a deadly look ❝Just please... don't tell her about this❞ She begged.

❝I won't, Jennie❞ The younger girl claimed, and she meant it. ❝I made you a promise, and that includes Jisoo❞

As she looked into her big bright eyes, Jennie knew Lisa would never lie to her ❝Thank you, Lisa❞ She smiled ❝I have a feeling that we'll be good friends❞

...but friends won't love me like you

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