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When Jimin left the room Jungkook grabbed his phone and headed to the bathroom on slow awkward legs.
He dialed Seokjin number and paced in the small space.

Jungkook: Hyung, He's here, I'm so hard I feel like my dick is going to break off.

Seokjin: so much for lunch then.

Jungkook: there's no reason you should be trying to eat when I'm meeting the love of my life.

Seokjin: just ask him out already.

Jungkook: What If He's not interested? He's wearing lipgloss hyung. You know how I feel about lipgloss. My heart can't handle it.

Seokjin: you told me how you feel about lipgloss against my explicit wishes. Jungkook just ask him out already.

Jungkook: He's so smol and soft what if he doesn't date or what if he just doesn't want to date me I can't imagine not seeing his chubby little cheeks. I'm crying, I have a boner and yet I am in tears.

Seokjin: as your manager and your best friend, I would advice you to take this opportunity to ask him out. Your relationship now might simmer out, of course he'd still visit you cause you saved his life but aside from that you'd just be a new friend who'll fade in with all his other friends.

Jungkook:.... did you just say best friend?


Jungkook: -Ah

Seokjin hangs up the phone leaving Jungkook in the bathroom with a smile on his face.

When he gets back into the room Jimin's there with a plastic covered bowl in his hand. He looks up at Jungkook with wide eyes.
"I'm sorry." Jungkook said wondering if he'd frightened the boy.
"No, it's okay I'm sorry for getting in your private space like that."

"Jimin I was wondering-?"
"Park Jimin?" A doctor said walking into the room.
"I was getting ready to call you about your blood work." The doctor said "I'm glad you're here, can I have a minute of your time?" The doctor asked and Jimin reluctantly nods.

Dropping his phone and bowl on Jungkook's bedside table.

Jungkook was looking at the pictures he took with Jimin. He was so taken back about how cute they both looked together.

Jimin's phone vibrated next to his and a text message notification was on display.

Jimin's phone vibrated next to his and a text message notification was on display

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(Ignore the date.)
Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed.

His heart sank alittle as he stared at the message. He knew he might've been over thinking it but what were the chances that someone as kind and beautiful as Jimin would be single.

It makes Jungkook almost wish he'd been hit by a car a lot sooner to have been the 'Seo' in Jimin's life.

He doesn't know how much time went by before Jimin popped back in with a giant lollipop in his hand.
"They gave me candy!" Jimin said licking the sugary circle.

"I made them give me one for you too." Jimin said putting a yellow lollipop in Jungkook's hand.
"It's banana flavored" He said his cheeks stuffed with the protruding circle.

Jungkook had to look away, the sight was as much adorable as it was arousing.

"You got a message." Jungkook said straightening up his sweater.
"Oh" Jimin said leaning over to get his phone. He noticed Jungkook's down mood but was unsure if it was his place to poke.

"It's just seo, I thought it was tae." Jimin whispered to himself before rolling his eyes. The only reason Jungkook even caught it was because he was straining his whole body to see Jimin's reaction
To the message.

"Seo?" Jungkook inquires
"He's just some boy from school." Jimin said putting his phone down and turning all his attention to Jungkook once again.

Jungkook smiles wide and doesn't even attempt to hide it.
"Your wallpaper- are you on stage?" Jungkook asked, his question not having any real structure because of the relief lifting off his chest.

Jimin panics.
If Jungkook knew he danced it wouldn't be hard to find his real identity.
Just looking up Jimin dancing would take him to a YouTube video that now had over 23 million views he couldn't risk it.

"Hah, I sing sometimes." Jimin said and felt like punching himself in the face.
"Oh? So do I." Jungkook said.
"I'm not very good though, I've heard you singing and you're like a professional." Jimin said trying to cover up His lie about singing.

He doesn't sing, the last time he sang was when he and Taehyung used to host karaoke rooms for extra cash. he only sang because he was trashed out his mind. Nothing but vibrations and alcohol went into his ears.

"I'm sure you're great Minnie." Jungkook said grabbing the younger boy's waist and pulling him closer to were he was sat on the bed.
"I couldn't imagine you not being great at something." Jungkook said and Jimin's cheeks turn bright pink.

He was standing between the boy's muscle thighs looking down at his handsome face.

"Do you have a boyfriend Jimin?"

For a second Jimin believed in the existence of a god.

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