Fuck boy slayer

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Jimin was standing in front of the luxurious looking mansion.
There was a huge gate and seemly no way in.

Jungkook had invited him there and even sent him an Uber.
But he was standing there like a fool not even knowing how to get in.

Jimin rang Jungkook.

Jungkook- hey are you almost here?
Jimin- I'm here I think.
Jungkook: I'm gonna open the door, give me a second-

Jimin: actually, I'm no-
Jungkook: are you stuck out side the gate?

Jimin: -sighs- yeah.

Jungkook's chuckle before telling Jimin he'd be there.

When Jungkook opened the gate for Jimin, he held it open with his leg and opened his arms. Jimin cuddled into his arms.

"Hi." Jimin said shyly. He was so comfortable. So happy being surrounded by Jungkook.
"You look so beautiful today."
Jimin was taken back by the compliment. It wasn't the first time Jungkook had called him beautiful, but this was the first time he'd been lucid while he did.

Jimin usually isn't called beautiful, cute and sexy sure but he didn't have the personality to be considered beautiful he thinks.

Once Jungkook said it it made him feel like a different person.
Jungkook was also very visibly checking him out. Jimin brought his sweater paws towards his face hiding behind the bright yellow sweater Taehyung had made him wear despite his protest.

However, there was nothing innocent about the look Jungkook was giving him. He felt hot all over.

"My hyungs are home, I'm sure they'll embarrass me so no matter what just keep your eyes and ears closed." Jungkook joked and Jimin laughs before shoving him playfully.

"No one can embarrass you for me. You're the best hyungie!" Jimin said in a high pitched voice that wasn't his own at all. He'd watched aeygo tutorials, turns out they do exist and had done his best to Imitate them.

internally cringing at himself, He couldn't help the cringe that almost paralyzed his legs. He squatted on his knees and hid his face.

"Please forget I said that." Jimin said and Jungkook laughs. "Never."

Jungkook effortlessness scooper the little ball of Jimin in his muscular arms.
Jimin instinctively wrapped his legs around the  boy's waist.

"You're so unbelievably cute." Jungkook said before placing a soft kiss on Jimin's nose. Jimin then hid in his shoulder as he carried him inside the mansion.

Jungkook smelled so good here, his natural scent mixed in with cologne and Jimin was trying his best not to get hard.
Jimin loved men who smelled good. It was sort of a kink of his.

Jungkook was checking all of Jimin's checklist for a husband, Especially with the fact that Jungkook hadn't even groaned since he hauled Jimin up from the floor.

Jimin hadn't felt his arm tremble or lose his grip. Jungkook was strong, so strong that Jimin couldn't help but imagine Jungkook holding him up against the wall and fucking him. Holding him up there until he got to release himself, using him for his own pleasure.

"C-can you put me down?" Jimin said with a stutter. Jimin doesn't stutter, he's never stuttered.
Jimin knows he didn't want to get down but he couldn't let Jungkook feel his hard on pressed against him.

"Sure I'm sorry." Jungkook said and Jimin shook his head.
"No no you didn't do anything wrong, I'm just worried I weigh too much." Jimin said bashfully.

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