Not Jimin

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Jimin whole face is red and puffy from crying so hard. Seokoo pretty much carried him out of the classroom and maneuvered him out of the window and then off college property.

They sat on the side walk a little far from the building.
Jimin sobs into his sleeve, and Seokoo stands staring at him nervously.
"Jimin?" Seokoo said and Jimin's sobbing stops and he lets out a pitiful sigh
"Y-you can go home now. I'll give you the blowjob tomorrow." Jimin said looking up at him. Seokoo's throat burned and he takes a seat next to Jimin.

"I don't know your history, you and Taehyung and all that shit. But people like you, I-I like you at least." Seokoo said and Jimin chuckles.
"Don't be a bitch. I'm just angry." Jimin said to Seokoo.
"I haven't been dancing and I'm frustrated." Jimin said trying his hardest to justify his outburst of sadness.

"Life is hard, I get it." Seokoo said before putting a hand over Jimin's shoulders, he pulls Jimin into him.
"You're not completely repulsive." Jimin said using Seokoo's dark shirt to wipe his tears before snuggling into his chest.
"And you're still super fucking hot when you cry."

Min yoongi's studio was exactly as elegant and magnificent as Taehyung had imagined it to be. It was inside the bighit building and they had rode up the elevator in silence.

Once in the studio, min Yoongi starts placing the food on his desk, he pulls up a chair for Taehyung to sit on and hands him chop sticks so he can eat some of the japchae with him.
Taehyung refuses politely.

"You didn't buy it for two people." He said as Yoongi gestures towards the chop sticks again.
"Shut up and take the chop sticks. I'm supposed to be on a diet anyways." Yoongi said and Taehyung's mouth gaped open.
"What why?"

Yoongi sent him a questioning look.
"Idol business you know. Conforming to beauty standards. The whole 360."
"But you're perfect already. You're literally like the embodiment of beauty."

"Thanks kid, not like I'm sticking to it anyhow." Yoongi said before putting some sweet potatoe fries into his mouth. It was surprisingly how easily Yoongi took the compliment. Usually he'd brush it off when MCs compliment him on TV shows. He'd play shy well while still keeping that intimating energy about him.

Taehyung ate a dish in silence with his idol.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Yoongi said opening up a beer and handing it to Taehyung who hesitantly takes it, bowing gratefully.
"I fought with my best friend." Taehyung said and Yoongi nods not questioning him further.
Yoongi wanted to keep the dialogue open but the last time he wanted was to create any degree of pressure for the boy.

"It's just that, my friend got treated really bad growing up and even though I was in the same situation I didn't get the same negative attention. People never give him the benefit of the doubt. They assume he's a certain way before he even introduces himself.  Even in elementary school, He was isolated by everyone else but me.  We came out at the same time, but he.. he got tormented for it, people said rude hateful things to him... until he had to move schools. he's always been more comfortable expressing himself than I am. Dressing up in colors he liked, dying his hair just overall being himself and people weren't open minded to people like that back then so they made him miserable." Taehyung takes a break and rubs his thumb against the bottle, thinking back to all the shit Jimin endured in high school.

The fucked up time that all the baseball team dunked his head inside a toilet with urine in it. How Jimin couldn't eat anything for a week after, throwing up at every attempt to put something between his lips.

The fact that he couldn't stop crying after. The fact that the baseball team did that and still invited Taehyung to everything.

"He thinks I didn't stand up for him. He thinks I'm a bad friend and he's not completely wrong. I stood up for him but not enough, I told people off but I didn't fight harder, I didn't push harder. I can tell he resents me for it. I can tell." Taehyung said dry heaving now, he was heading towards a panic attack. He could feel it in the trembling of his long hands.
"I-I don't want him to hate me." Taehyung said lip quivering.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung wasn't even talking to Yoongi now, his vision was impaired by black spots. The feeling of misery creeps up his stomach and wraps tightly around his rib cage, wrapping around his heart.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're okay" Yoongi said lowering to the floor. Getting on his knees close to Taehyung but making sure he wasn't in his space.
"I-I don't w-Want him to hate me, he's everything I have." Taehyung said tears falling down and Yoongi encourages him to focus on his breathing, doing the few breathing exercises his manager had taught him with the younger boy.

Eventually Taehyung calms down.
"I'm sorry, this is so embarrassing." He said and Yoongi tsked wiping tears from his cheeks.
"There's nothing embarrassing about letting yourself feel things." Yoongi said before getting up.
It's such a Yoongi thing to say and Taehyung is even more embarrassed thinking about that.

"He just blew up on me and I should've just held it in. It's just that he's been changing so much. He's getting so aggressive and mean and before I could write it off because he was in pain but now I realize that it's only getting worse. Letting it continue without saying anything is only making him worse." Taehyung said and he was getting himself worked up again and Yoongi calms him down, shushing him and telling him take a moment to catch his breath.

"He's not Jimin anymore." Taehyung said and then his eyes widen at what he just said.
Yoongi's eyes flashed recognition at the name but he says nothing.

Taehyung freaks out even more.
What had he done?

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