Chapter 3 _ Están Mejorando Las Cosas

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When Juliana arrived home and walked towards her room. She didn't notice her mother sitting in the living room. She didn't even notice the giant smile she had on her face. All she could think about were those beautiful blue eyes that belong to the girl she can't stop thinking about.

"Hey, what's with that smile baby?" Lupita asked.

"Huh. What? Oh hey mom. It's nothing I've just been having a good day. How did it go with the interview?" Juliana asked her mom interested especially now that she knew it was Valentina's family's business.

"Mija, it went great! I got the job. I start tomorrow! Things are looking up for us baby!" Lupita said as she hugged Juliana.

"This is great mom. I'm so happy for you. Have you told dad yet?" Juliana said just as excited as her mother.

"No not yet, he has the night off tonight so I'm gonna make dinner for the 3 of us and tell him then. Anyway how did it go with your friend?"

Juliana smiled at the thought of Valentina. "It went well mom. We had sushi, it was weird at first but I liked it. Then she showed me around town a bit. I think I really like her, she's very genuine and down to earth. Actually, she's your boss' daughter. Complete coincidence." Juliana confessed.

"Wait, July are you the reason I got the job?" Lupita said with a hint of disappointment.

"What, no. No mom, you got that job on your own. I was having lunch with her while you were at the interview, not once did Valentina touch her phone. She asked if I wanted her to pull some strings for you and I told her no, that everything the Valdes have we earn and you wouldn't be happy with the job if you got it because I was her friend. I wouldn't do that to you." Juliana said defending herself.

Lupita sighed in relief. "Gracias mija. I'm glad you had a good day. Where did she take you? I like your friend she's making this transition easier for you and you never know you might actually like it here."

"We're meeting up again on Saturday to go explore downtown together for an assignment she has and wants me to tag along for." Juliana told her mom with a smile.

"Oh yeah? What does she study?"

"She's a photographer. She's amazing mom. Her pictures are incredible, true works of art." Juliana went on about Valentina.

They talked all afternoon about her new friend and what could happen now that Lupita has a good paying job. At dinner they told El Chino the good news and had a lovely family dinner. Things were finally looking up for the Valdes family. Juliana couldn't stop thinking that maybe Valentina was right, maybe it was destiny that brought them together.


In Placerville Valentina was having dinner with her family. She didn't participate much in conversation, instead lost in her own little world thinking back to the day she had with Juliana. That was until she was interrupted.

"Hello? Valentina? Todo bien?" Her stepmom Lucia asked with a knowing smile.

"Hmm? Oh yeah sorry I was distracted, what's up?" Valentina said with a slight blush.

"Well yeah it's obvious you were distracted but why? Is it because of Lucho?" Leon, her father asked with a teasing smile.

"Eww no papi, Lucho is just my friend. I was actually thinking of a new friend I met yesterday. Actually I think her mom applied to work with you?" Valentina said.

"Guadalupe Valdes? Yeah she got the job. How did you meet her daughter?" Leon said skeptical.

"I actually met her at Cozmic. I was working on some edits and she came up to me since the place was packed and asked if she could sit. Then I interrupted her by asking for help and we spent the rest of the day together. I could tell she had no idea who I was. She didn't even know I was a Carvajal until today when we talked about her parents. They just moved here from San Antonio. They live in Sacramento. I think it was fate that brought us together, look even her mom works with you now." Valentina rambled.

"When do we get to meet this new friend of yours?" Lucias asked smiling at Valentina. She'd never seen Valentina's eyes light up that way when talking about anyone especially not Lucho.

"Um, I'm not sure. We're getting together on Saturday to explore downtown Sac for an assignment she's helping me with." Valentina said.

"Oh is she a photographer too?" Leon asked.

"No she's actually a fashion designer, well, working towards that but she's super talented and I'm sure she'll get far in the fashion world. Anyway she's never been to downtown so I'm taking her exploring and seeing it through her eyes while I do my assignment. I'm excited." Valentina responded proud of her new friend.

After dinner, Lucia knocked on Valentina's door. The two of them had always gotten along very well. It was Eva who always opposed the relationship but to Valentina as long as her father was happy that was all that mattered to her.

"Hey Lucia come in. What's up?" Valentina said sitting back down on her bed.

"I just wanted to come talk for a bit. About your new friend." Lucia said. Valentina had come out to her the year prior. No one else knew and Lucia would never go behind her back like that. It was Valentina's secret to tell not hers.

"Whaaat. There's nothing to tell." Valentina said blushing profusely.

"Oh yeah, tell that to your face. You like her don't you?" Lucia said with a laugh.

"Okay okay yes I like her but I just met her. I don't even know if she's into girls, let alone me." Valentina said hugging a pillow tightly over her mouth.

"Look, just be careful okay, I don't want you to get hurt honey. I know you told me when you were very waisted but I'll keep your secret as long as you need me to. I just want you to be happy and if it happens to be with a girl, so be it. I do need to meet this friend though because I've never seen you like this." Lucias said as she pushed a strand of Valentina's hair behind her ear.

"Pronto. Thank you for not telling dad. I wasn't even supposed to tell you but I'm glad I did. I trust you. Thank you for always being here for me. I couldn't have asked for a better woman to take care of my dad. I know Eva says you can never replace mom but I know you don't want to. You want to be your own person and not have to be in anyone's shadow. Guille knows that as well so don't worry about Eva, she's just bitter." Valentina said hugging Lucia.

"Gracias Val. I really appreciate that. I love your father and I love this family and no matter what Eva thinks I even love her. I just want to make your father happy and that's my goal every day." Lucia said honestly.

They said their goodnights and they drifted off with the rest of the world. Valentina and Juliana both slept with a smile on their face at the thought of each other.

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