Chapter 23 _ Yo La Amo

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The following morning the girls awoke to another storm of messages and missed calls. They had no idea what they were waking up to but they knew whatever it was, they could and would face it together.

"What is going on now? Are they freaking out about the bridge thing?" Valentina said as she sat up beginning to unlock her phone.

"Val... that's not... that's not what they're freaking out about. They're talking about you cheating on me and then trying to make it up with the bridge. This article I was sent says Lauren went on the record to say you two have a thing..." Juliana said running her hand through her hair in frustration.

"I'm gonna kill her. Who the hell does she think she is and what the hell is Lauren thinking? I have done nothing to make her think she'd even have a chance. I didn't even know she was gay!" Valentina said frustrated and turning her body to face Juliana, "Juls, you have to know this is all fake. I would never do that to you, to us. I love you. I am gonna fix this..." She said caressing Juliana's cheek as Juliana leaned into her touch.

"I know. I trust you but for safe measures as of right now I don't want you seeing that Lauren girl again because I just wanna beat her ass right now. No joke. What kind of friend does that?" Juliana said honestly.

Valentina began to laugh catching Juliana off guard.

"De que te ries?" Juliana said confused.

Valentina grabbed Juliana's head and kissed her forehead. "I love you. The fact that you want to 'beat her ass' makes me love you even more because I just pictured that and I gotta say, not bad." She finished causing Juliana to also laugh at the idea.

"I honestly don't understand why the world cares so much about me and my family. Like why do gossip sites even exist? There's no facts to what Lauren said." Valentina said leaning into Juliana's neck.

Juliana let out a small sigh before grabbing Valentina's left hand. "Val. This was your people... It was published by El Centro. I think this was your sister. Look at the byline, isn't that the same Mayela that was after your brother and conspired with Eva? Renata told me a bit about her and that drama."

Valentina sat up instantly at that taking the phone from Juliana. "What! Okay, no. Get dressed, we're dealing with this right now. I don't care that she is my sister, she is going to listen and I need you there. Please."

"Wait what are you going to do?" Juliana said standing up as Valentina gained a determined look on her face.

"I'm going to do what I should have done from the beginning. I'm gonna put an end to this. She's had her fun but this too far." Valentina said determined.

They got ready and within the hour headed to the offices. They were instantly met by the press as they drove into Grupo Carvajal. Once in the parking lot Valentina made her way over to open Juliana's door and held her hand from the moment she stepped out the car. They decided to show the world that this was not going to come between them, that despite all of the drama, they were together and were going to be okay. Valentina had a proud look on her face to have Juliana's hand in hers as she went to face the one woman she thought she would never have to defend herself against.

As they walked into the offices, everyone was staring at them causing Valentina to stand taller and more confident with Juliana by her side.

Making her way to the main offices she saw that Leon and Lucia already had Eva and Mayela in the conference room. "Val, what are you doing here, I'm handing it." Her father said looking up to see his youngest daughter and her girlfriend in front of them.

Valentina let go of Juliana's hand walked across the room slapping her sister. "How could you? Don't you understand that I love Juliana? Do you know the damage you could've caused had she believed this? & you Mayela, you were my friend... who the hell do you think you are to publish something like that, attacking my character. Attacking the one thing that you were always sure about and had, my loyalty. You know I can end your petty career right? A snap of the finger and you're gone from this company and this field of work. I'm not here to play games. This is real life, this is my life and that woman standing next to my father, is the woman that I love and I will not allow anyone to hurt her. Not even you Eva. I'm sick and tired of you thinking you have all the answers. You couldn't stop Guille from marrying Renata, you couldn't stop dad from marrying Lucia, what makes you think you're gonna be able to keep me away from Juliana? What? Third time's the charm? Think, Eva! Truly stop and think, you are literally just pushing the entire family away. Any faith I had in you, is gone. I want nothing to do with you."

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