jealous much ?

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I desperately need to get this story organized since the cast & concept is different from how it was originally.

idk if anyone already peeped this but just in case you didn't, lemme make it clear.

this started out with the title "my brothers best friend" because everyone thinks that Roc & Ci are siblings but changed to "torn" because they aren't really so "brothers best friend" isn't really a legit title. if anyone is confused, read the description of this book.


Two months later, it was time for Thanksgiving break so everyone, including all of the boys were coming home for break. I wasn't too excited about that because I didn't know what to expect from Chresanto. I knew he'd be home by the time I got out of school and as much as I wanted to bullshit around on my way home, I couldn't due to the fact that my mom watches Dj during the day then goes to work once I get home. I crept around the corner of my street and his bright yellow camaro glistened in the hot, San Diego sun and so did Diggy's fire red Mustang. I pressed the gas on my petite ford focus a little harder because there was no sense in running away from it now. --As I walked into the house, I clutched my bookbag & peeped around the corner. I didn't see anyone, but I could hear all the raucous coming from the game room so I knew where not to go in the house. I decided on just giving dj a snack & then we'd go take a nap so I went & got him from out of my moms room while she finished getting ready for work. As I fed him his apple sauce, I could hear foot steps approaching the kitchen. I was too afraid to turn around to see who was coming but then the steps suddenly stopped. I watched as dj smiled into the baby spoon & then started to crack up laughing. I snapped my head backwards but there was no one there. This happened two or three times before I decided to just stare until the person decided to peep their head in again. All of a sudden, Craig jumps from behind the wall yelling, "BOO!" & then cracking up at the heart attack I had. He walked into the kitchen laughing then walked up to dj to touch his cheek. I nudged him away from dj because I was pretending to be mad. He was so childish. "Awe, don't be mad, Ci. That's what you get for not coming to speak to everybody."He said as he kissed my cheek."I had to feed my child first.""Oh blah blah Ci."He said as he raided my kitchen for snacks."You could've came & spoke to us. You've become very distant since we left.""Bullshit. I text you everyday. You're too occupied with that girl. Who is she btw?"He smiled & dropped his head & his hand that he was rummaging through the cabinet with down on to the counter. "Her name is Joy.""Yea yea I didn't ask you that."I said as I rolled my eyes. "I want to meet this girl that's got my best friend dissing his best friend."His smile slowly faded & so did my expression."There's one problem... She lives in Miami."I put a sad face on with Craig. That was one disadvantage to being accepted in a school that was on the completely opposite side of the country from where your home is. "Well that doesn't mean she can't fly out or we could go there. & you had better not been talking to her when I came to see you play.""I was but you were so underneath Diggy that you didn't notice anyone else. Speaking of Diggy, what made you go back?""Because he sounded so sincere when he said he was going to do better this time. ""So you left Roc for him?"See, Craig was the only one outside of my family that knew the real deal. He, Roc, & I had grown up in the same neighborhood but then he ended up moving. It was very ironic that we ended up in the same place. He knew that it was a secret that Roc & I weren't really related so he knew what to say & what not to. "I didn't leave Roc for him. Roc was seeing someone already but he doesn't know that I know. I haven't even talked to him & I don't plan on it."Craig's face dropped. He obviously knew something that I didn't. "I hope you're not talking about Kay Kay?""Umm.. I don't know the girls name, I just know-"I was cut off by Diggy, Ray, Jacob, & some girl that was holding hands with Roc. She was very pretty & I was happy for him. I just couldn't believe he actually had the nerve to bring her around me. Diggy walked up and kissed my cheek & I gave everyone hugs, even Roc to play it off. He then decided to introduce his girlfriend."Hey Ci, this is my girlfriend Kay Kay, Kay Kay this is my sister, Ci."He put so much emphasis on the word girlfriend that you would think he was about to choke on the word. I felt bad for her because she & Roc may have been a legit item before I stopped talking to him, but now she's just a girl he's using to piss me off. Too bad I don't give a fuck.

Torn [Starring Diggy Simmons & Ft. Roc Royal] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now