Chapter 11

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A few days later

Thor's POV

A few days after the party my feelings grew for Loki, even though I know it is very wrong and he probably doesn't like me back I mean he has a crush already.... I dont care anymore.. I've been ignoring them for too long.
Today I'm going to meet up with Jane and talk about 'us'.
Tony gave me and Loki 'smart phones' Loki already knows how to use them, he always was a fast learner, 'me on the other hand' as Humans say, I can use it but I still ask for assistance from either Tony or Loki.

I enter the living room where Loki is after talking with Jane for the meet up through my phone. When I saw Loki he was sitting on a arm chair watching something on his phone. As I come closer I noticed he was watching some documentary of the attack of New York. I quickly grab his phone from him and pause the video, not wanting him to keep blaming himself.

"give it back Thor." Loki says tiredly as he stands up.

"No." I said stearnly.


"because I dont want you to blame your self. You had your punishment, and you regret what you did. Stop blaming your self." I answered calmly.

"why have you been so kind to me? Are you toying with me?, teasing me?, or are you trying to open me up? Make me reveal all my secrets and then spread it all out?" He says, catching me off guard. I was completely speachless.

"! Of course not!" I reply after a momment of silence.

"because you're my brother..."

"NO! I DONT DESERVE ALL OF THIS!!! IM JUST A MONSTER!!! I DONT deserve your friends hospitality, forgiveness, and you..." his voice getting smaller, and his eyes getting wet.

I couldn't take this.. My beloved brother breaking down infront of me, I quickly embraced him in a hug. He kept pushing me away but he was too weak, even in his most powerfull state he can't push me away, so he gradually gave up. But to my suprise after he stopped trying to lush me away, he hugged back, fully crying now. I tried to comfort him drawing circles on his back, and whispering encouraging things.

"I'm sorry brother... This is all my fault...." I whispered.

" No it's not" He responds while shacking his head slightly.

It was heartbreaking, I've never saw Loki breaking down like this... Still even like this he still cries silently.

"shhh it's ok... Here come and sit I'll get you some water." I say while guiding him to a couch.

He nods then sits down, I sqat down to his level, his hair messy and hides his face.
I couldn't help but to put back a strand of his hair behind his ears.

"I'll get you some water okay?" I say slowly standing up.

"okay.." he says barely audioble.

I walk to the kitchen and grab a glass and fill it with water, as I walk back I noticed Loki was sitting with Tony now, he was back to normal, and it looks as if Tony was FLIRTING??!! WITH MY LOKI?? okay not mine but still...

"here." I say as I give Loki his glass and not even giving a glance to Tony.

"hey Point break." he says.

"Tony." I say in a monotone voice.

"what's wrong big guy? Is it bacause I was flirting with your baby brother here?" as he says that my face gradualy grows hot.


"don't worry he didn't even reply, if you're jealous." he says smirking.

"what do you mean?" Loki asks.

"nothing!." I give a glare to Tony, and yes I told him I had a crush on Loki, I also told the rest of the team.

"oh ok..." Loki says as he drinks his water.

I look up at the time and I saw 16.11, I had to get ready for the meet uo with Jane. So I stood up.

"where you going Point break?" Tony asks.

"I'm going to meet up with Jane to talk about... You know" I said with a shrug.

"ohh right... Good luck" Tony says with a smile.

"Thanks... I might need it..."

"Talk about what?" Loki asks innocently, sometimes he's just so oblivious, cute.

"Thor and Jane are going to you know break up..." Tony says with a shrug.

"ohhh.. Does that mean you found another one brother?" he looks up at me, wait did he just call me brother!!?? OH MY ODIN, okay no time for that....

"y.. I guess you can say that."

"oh... Lucky... I never liked her..." he replies looking back to his water.

"well good luck" he looks back at me with a small sad smile, wait.. Why is he sad? Maybe he likes me? No way... But I realy don't know... He is such a mystery.. And I would like to solve him... But now is not the time...

"thank you brother." I say with a smile and left them both.

Now I just need to face Jane and get on with it, and maybe even confess to Loki... No that he'll accept, but I still have to try.

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