Being a critic

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When words could change lives, I could have used it better but instead I chose to be a critic. Now the world can turn on me and call me unpleasant, but I would as always give my critique.
Being a critic doesn't guarantee that you are a good writer, a poet, an actor ,a chef, a doctor or a mother. It doesn't mean that you are the best nor does it mean that you can do it any better. It only means you can see it, know its depth and analyse it, maybe a little better than others.

I never thought I would end up being a critic, all I ever wanted was to inspire. But the best I could do was to tell them of their faults and that was more hard to say and more hurtful to receive, than all those nice words I could have said instead. So I put on a cold face at those times, when I sounded my honest opinions. I realised my words are like swords, it can defend and save one from their mistakes but it can also turn to them, stab them and shatter their dreams. So it puts on me that heavy burden, to be understanding of everyone I am to judge. With time I realised the power of my words and how much nicer a good word sounds when it came from me.
At times when I came to judge those rhetorician, motivators and inspirers. I saw them bring out a fire in another's eyes, saw them trigger a spark in their dull life, saw them bring out that fight left in others, but all that talk left me uninspired. Even the moment I felt breath taking lasted no more than a few seconds. Most times at the end, I found myself unimpressed. Even when I felt that those words could help me for better, I never could take away that notion in my head which told me that those words are not meant for me. That maybe all those nice words are said to the others who were there with me. Maybe those words can't change me since I have long figured out that there's only one me and those who haven't seen my life can't see me for my heart. When they can't even see my heart, can they touch it? Can they mend it?
But there are people who inspired me without them knowing and without me realising, with their truthful yet sometimes harsh words. But then I never felt the need to utter a word to them, to me a heartfelt smile was enough to show them my thoughts, for I was a person with few words when it came to express my feelings. To me my eyes smiled at those times.

I know I can't be a great motivator and I can't change a heart with my empty yet nice words. But I knew I can set a fire on my harsh words with sincerity and truth and hope it might light the ways to some of those dark and egoistic parts of one's heart. So I will just be a good critic, one who is nice in action but harsh at words. I will choose my words which when addressed to a whole lot of people could still make your heart feel that sting and I will choose them wisely, for all I want is to inspire.

Thank you!

To the teacher who always
found our faults and only
that,whom we all disliked
at that time,but whom
had our backs without us
knowing,thank you!!
Thank you for making it
Possible to write this.
Thank you all my readers. hope you enjoy you!!

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