Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Sugawara Kayano x Kageyama Tobio

Kayano POV

I cried for almost the whole weekend, and that reflected in my eyes. My eyes were so swollen that even my brother had a shock when he saw me. My eyes hurt and I couldn't open them properly.

"Okaa-san...I don't want to go school today..." I said.

"Don't talk rubbish and hurry go!" I dragged myself out from the chair and walked to school.

"Kayano. Are you okay?" My brother questioned. I gave him a slight nod. He had a lot of questions but I ignored them all. I really had no mood to entertain anyone.


"Woah! What's up with your face?!" Tsukishima-kun exclaimed. I glared at him. He did jinx me getting rejected.

"What else you think happened?" I answered coldly. He roughly had an idea on what happened.

"Oh, Kageyama." He said. I grabbed onto Tsukishima-kun, hoping that Tobio wouldn't see me.

"Kidding~ so it is about him." I hit him once more. What's up with him and his teasing? Is it that fun?

"What the hell!" I said.

"He rejected you?" Why is he so straightforward? Not something I liked every time about him.

"Aren't you happy?" I said.

"Nope, why would I? The girl I like is so hurt, it makes me angry." I blushed a little at that.


"Kayano!" I recognised that voice. I turned around slightly and saw Tobio waving at me happily, like nothing happened...well not like I told him about my feelings. I wanted to cry but I had no more tears for me to cry.

"Good morning Tobio..." I tried my best to look him in the eye. He grabbed me face gently and said,

"Are you okay?" I blushed. Why is he holding my face to begin with? My heart was going to explode any moment.

"Y-Yeah." I stuttered. As expected, my feelings for Tobio can't just disappear so soon.

"That's a relief!" Tobio said, smiling and let go of my face. Somehow, Tobio changed after that talk we had...he became...livelier, while I became gloomier.

"Let's go to class!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me to class. I was so confused. He didn't like me. He clearly said that...but why is he being so kind to me? My heart ached at that thought...I guess I should just go with the flow now...


"Eh? He said that?" I nodded at Yui. I told her everything about what happened.

"Then it means I'm not the one too...damn..."

"Eh? Why?"

"He said you didn't know the person, but you know me right?"

"Oh..." True. What she said made perfect sense.

"Well, no use brooding about it, let's find a new love! Anyways I stopped liking him from awhile back so...cheer up!" Yui grabbed my hand and smiled at me. Her smile healed my heart. I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Thank you so much Yui..." I said. Yui sure is strong...


"Oh! I just realised Valentine's Day is on the same day as sports day!" Tobio has been rather talkative today; maybe his crush promised him some chocolates or something.

" that you said it." I replied.

"Kayano are you sure you're alright? You seem rather down." Tobio asked.

"Ah, no...just that I got rejected by my crush." I said. Well even if I said it like that, he wouldn't know that my crush is him right?

"Oh...sorry..." He said. He seemed really sorry for that. I don't know whether to feel happy or angry that he's sorry for breaking my heart.

"It's okay; there are plenty of guys out there." I said.

" me..."

"Huh? What did you say?" Tobio was whispering under his breath and I couldn't hear properly.

"Oh it's nothing!" Tobio's face was bright red and he ran away. Seriously, what's wrong with him today?

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