When will it be over?

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Have  you ever had the feeling  that  you may  never see  light at the  end of  the  tunnel?  There’s always light at the end  of  the tunnel right?  Let’s  get real  though,  when is the end really  the  end?  You have  been facing  issues that seem to have  joined  you  in early  adulthood. You thought you  buried it  all  dead and  now it  seems as though  what  you thought  you  got rid of regrew and  reattached itself to  you. Like that  annoying  weed  that keeps  growing  back.  

There  is nothing  more  frustrating  than dealing  with issues of the  past. They  seem to keep  creeping  up  on us and taking  us back to where  we  started. How hard  we  might have  worked just  to  keep  going  to church and not  losing  it. How hard it must have  been breaking  off  that  addiction. After  all  the hard work.  After  heightening  your level of self-control and  now it’s back and living  in  your house; the house  in which the  Holy  Spirit is supposed to dwell  in.  

Only  the people that have  felt  this way  can relate. It’s like  you  really  want to be  free,  you want to be  liberated, you want the  chains to break off  but  you don’t know  how to go about it. You don’t know the  formula, but  you  keep trying  anyway. How  messed up life  can  get. How  messed up can we  become?  The  truth of the  matter  is that  nobody needs saving  any  more  than  you do.  Otherwise,  why  would you keep  going  to church?  Why  would  you keep praying and studying  the word of  God?  Why  would  you keep doing the right things?  

Sometimes the boldest statement  you’ll ever make is admitting  that  you have  a  sinful nature.  I  hope  you are not shocked. David, the  man God fell  in love  with, was one of the  most  honest men of God in the  Bible. David  was pretty  cool. He  fought  lions and bears.  He  took down Goliath and slept with Bathsheba.  Maybe  I  shouldn’t have added the  Bathsheba  story  in that line, but whatever.  It doesn’t change  the fact that he did.

David loved God.  I  am convinced that David really loved God.  He  was passionate about God. He  praised God. David had a  deep understanding  of  God. He  knew  God. He felt  the depth of God’s love, not in its entirety.  I  know Jesus dying  for  our sins is pretty  massive but still, that’s not God’s love at its fullest.  

The  Bible  says, nothing  can separate us from the love of  God. No height,  no depth and no demons  in hell could ever  cause  God to stop loving  us at any  moment. David had that kind of  understanding  of God’s love. He seemed to only  have  one  solution to all  of his problems.  

If  you read psalm  51  you  see  David on his knees, perhaps  confronting  his sins and being  completely  honest with God. The  first thing  he  tells God is to have  mercy upon him.     Have  mercy  on  me, O  God, because  of your unfailing love. Because  of your great compassion, blot  out the  stain  of  my sins.  Wash  me clean from  my guilt. Purify  me  from  my  sin.  –  Psalm  51:1-2

This was after  David had  had a  good time with Bathsheba.  I  know sometimes we  read certain portions of the bible and think we  could never  do what some  of the bible  heroes did. We  could never put ourselves in  such compromising  situations.

  What makes David different is his honesty  and his humility.  He  tells God he  wants mercy. He  knew that what he  had done  was wrong  and shouldn’t have  done  it. David even knew that Bathsheba  was married. He  knew that she was joined to another man  yet he  went on and had  his way with her. The  bible  says,  he  sent his people to enquire  about this beautiful lady  and  yet he still  had his  way  with her.  

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