Stay Connected

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God wants us to talk to Him. Do you feel unheard? Okay, are you still praying? Do you still feel unheard? Okay, are you still going to pray? How about now? Anything yet? Okay, maybe your connection is still buffering. Have you considered changing how you talk to God? Maybe I don't get it. Who's your network provider? Could they be the problem? Anything? Nothing? Really? Okay.

So what do we do when we feel unheard? We talkto God. David said, when he is overwhelmed, He seeks the one that knows whatway he should go. It's not really a matter of whether or not God is responding,but really about our attitude towards Him. God can hear us.

It's okay to feel unheard. It's okay. We might still be oblivious to what happens in such moments. God! How powerful they are! God is the very air we breathe. God is only as close as we are in sync with Him. If we leave the radius for which connection is stable, we can lose track of His presence. Maybe you are connected through Bluetooth. Some of us may have the opportunity of a WiFi experience, but we still need to stay within our radius. The further we go, the less secure it becomes. The closer we are to Him, the more stable a connection we have.

The idea is being connected regardless of what we see and what we hear. Does that make God unreachable? Not at all! He is always there providing us with comfort and rest. He restores us and sustains us. What a loss it is to give up on a being that is able to sustain us!

 2 Kings 6:15 New Living Translation (NLT)

15 When the servant of the man of God got up early the next morning and went outside, there were troops, horses, and chariots everywhere. "Oh sir, what will we do now?" the young man cried to Elisha.

It was just another random day for this guy. Nothing could have clicked that such a day awaited them. No one ever knows! It was rush hour for him I guess. He was probably just ready to run his usual errands. It's these kind of circumstances that would make a brother quit. It would make him ask why he rose from his bed in the first place. For all we know, he wanted to water his garden, but no! The bad guys had to show up! They stood up high and ready to charge at him! 

We'd all agree that we have had a lot of such experiences. Regardless, it doesn't subtract from what God intends to do with our lives. If anything, we learn to have more faith in God's power. Like the servant, we feel unheard. I know with such kind of a troop, he probably asked that question at least more than once. 'What will we do now?' The servant felt stuck and uneasy. What will we do now?

That's a great question! What will we do? What could they have done? And the brilliant answer to that question was; 'Don't be afraid!' Wow! That solved all their problems! What would you do if you were to ask such an award winning question but only to receive an answer that never made the nominees? I know right! Very enlightening! 

Believe it or not, that was the best answer he could have received. Did you know that Jesus Christ has said the very words before? You know what they say, great minds think alike. Elisha borrowed Jesus' words. Yes, Jesus. Jesus came before Elisha. 

We have to believe that everything works for our good. It takes faith to believe in God. The servant went on bothering Elisha. I know he did. Elisha went on to ask God if the servant's eyes could be opened. (See 2 kings 6:15-18) what the servant saw gave him assurance. He was made to know that he stood in the vicinity of God's presence. He didn't have to go far, just where he stood, heaven was reachable. Heaven was not only a destination, heaven became an atmosphere.

He cried out as loud as he could. He felt defeated and unheard. He lost hope. All in a flash. Yes, it was that fast! Yet while anxiety grew in him, God's presence was only a call away. Nothing in this world is too big to be solved by God Almighty! He is called Omnipotent for a reason. It is in Him that potential lies. It is in Him that power resides. It is in Him that change occurs.

Dare to believe in God! Dare to step in faith and walk as the son and daughter of a king that you are! No one should ever make you feel unimportant. If you are still alive, you still have a purpose and God cares for you. He died for you. We need to make it personal. When it becomes personal, we then begin to receive God's word as the truth that it is.

Everything that has ever been personalized is given life. When you personalize the word of God, you make the word of God have life. You make the Holy Scriptures have power over you! If the word of God has power over your life, the very same word is able to resuscitate our beings from our lowly states and elevated to the kind of life that God built within us. The  kind of life that glorifies Him. The kind of life that declares our being victors!

We should never stop worshiping God. We should never even think of imagining a life without God. It's unimaginable! A life without God is devoid of meaning and substance. It lacks the panache that Jesus walked with. Yes, Jesus lived in style and He left us with His very way of life. He gave us everything we would need and especially in times when we'd feel unheard! 

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