Chapter 7

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A/N I've decided to start putting a supercorp meme at the start of each chapter because I think they're funny.

It had only been a couple of hours since Kara had woken up. However, since the suit Lena made for her only had enough power to filter out the kryptonite, Alex feared for Kara's life.

"Kara, you can't leave the D.E.O. okay? The suit is the only thing keeping you alive." Alex said in a comforting tone towards her sister.

"So I have to sit here and do nothing? When can I take the suit off?" Kara asked.

"When the kryptonite is gone from the atmosphere. Lena and Brainy are both working to find a way to do it, it shouldn't take too long." Alex tried to comfort her sister.


"Not buts Kara - I need you to trust me, I know what I'm doing."

Kara grew slightly annoyed and irritated as she mumbled back "and I don't?"

Just then, an agent came into the room to find Alex for something. Alex left the room to leave Kara alone although it was only for a few minutes as Lena soon came in to talk.

"Hey." Lena weakly smiles as she came through the door.

"Hey Lena." Kara said back in a tone that was clearly unhappy about her situation, but also with a hint of happiness because Lena was there.

"Are you alright Kara?" Lena asked as she dragged a chair over to Kara's bed and sat down next to her, taking Kara's hand in her own (although it was through the suit).

"Yeah I guess, it just sucks that I'm stuck here and Alex won't let me out of the D.E.O." Kara complained.

"She's just trying to keep you safe Kara. If the suit gets damaged, it won't be able to filter out the kryptonite and you'll die. It just isn't safe." Lena explained to Kara.

"I know Lena. I just hate the thought of not being able to protect people. Thank you for the suit though, at least I'm still alive."

"How did you know I made the suit?" Lena questioned.

"Oh come on Lena, who else would have the brains to make this?" Kara said in a more light-hearted tone and flashed a smile towards Lena.

Lena just laughed at Kara's response - happy that she admired her for her mind as well as everything else. "Okay Kara, I have to go, trying to find a way to get rid of all the kryptonite so you can breathe again." Lena said as she gave Kara a quick hug.

"Good luck." Kara said as Lena left the room.


Alex sat in the D.E.O. locker room having a mental breakdown, she had to deal with Kara almost dying and two D.E.O. agents turning against her in the last 24 hours. She was just having a really bad day.

Sam burst through the doors into the room where Alex was until she quickly noticed that Alex was sat there. "Oh, sorry Alex, I didn't realise anyone was in here..." she trailed off, noticing Alex crying "Alex, are you okay?" She asked as she sat next to Alex.

"Yeah I'm fine." Alex said, quickly wiping away her tears.

Sam pulled Alex into a sideways hug as an attempt to calm her down. "Hey, Alex, it's okay to cry, you're under a lot of stress right now. But I'm here for you, always."

They stayed like that for a while until Alex had calmed down, she then got a call from J'onn telling her that Mercy and Otis were about to attack a police station so she knew it was time to go.

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